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Number of items: 752.

Utusan, Sarawak (2009) 1,000 siswa UNIMAS rai Malam Ambang Merdeka. -. (In Press)

Utusan, Sarawak (2009) 100 peserta hadiri Seminar Teknologi Keluli. -. (In Press)

New Sunday, Times (1999) 12,000 throng info technology exhibition. -. (In Press)

Utusan, Sarawak (2010) 20 IPT terlibat MSBW sempena Pesta Konvo Unimas. -. (In Press)

SING TUNG, TENG and sheryl Uncha, Andrew Chiba and Afiqah, Bt Hamilton Hanifah and Samsur, Mohamad and Ing, Kuo Law and NURSYAHIDA, ABDULLAH and Mitsunori, Iwataki and Po Teen, Lim and Chui, Pin Leaw (2023) 20th International Conference on Harmful Algae(ICHA) 4-10 Nov 2023. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, (UNIMAS).

UNSPECIFIED (2003) The 3rd International Conference on Information Technology in Asia :transforming knowledge into insight. In: 3rd International Conference on Information Technology in Asia, Kuching, Sarawak. (Unpublished)

Yeo, Alvin Wee and Labadin, Jane and Kulathuramaiyer, Narayanan and Wang, Yin Chai and Tan, Chong Eng (2009) The 6th International Conference on Information Technology in Asia (CITA 2009) ; 6th-9th July 2009 Kuching, Sarawak :[proceeding] : towards human centered computing. In: The 6th International Conference on Information Technology in Asia (CITA 2009), 6th-9th July 2009 , Kuching, Sarawak.

Utusan, Sarawak (2009) 9 pelajar UNIMAS terima anugerah cemerlang. -. (In Press)

Zainudin, S.R and Awang, Kamis (2004) Abscisic Acid (ABA) and the Regulation of Seedling Growth Under Stress. Journal of Arboriculture 30(4) : July 2004.

Ting, Su Hie (2013) Academic writing : Citation is troublesome and plagiarism is no big deal. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Social Science Research, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.

The Borneo, Post (2008) Academician receives international award. -. (In Press)

Lee, Julia Ai Cheng (2005) Accepting the inevitable. 2005-08-19. [Newspaper Cutting]

Sharifah, Osman and Ismail, Bahari and Kadir, Arifin and Wan Mohd Nor, Hj Ibrahim and Chen, Teck Foong (2012) Accident Risk Indices Of Malaysia’s Firefighters Working in 12 And 24 Hours Shift Works. Journal Occu. Safety & Health, 9. pp. 25-30.

Mohamad, Samsur and Tomohiro, Takatani and Yasunaga, Yamaguchi and Takefumi, Sagara and Tamao, Noguchi and Osamu, Arakawa (2007) Accumulation and Elimination Profiles of Paralytic Shellfish Poison in the Short-necked Clam Tapes japonica Fed with the Toxic Dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum. J. Food Hyg. Soc. Japan Vol. 48, No. 1.

Samsur, Mohamad and Yamaguchi,, Yasunaga and Sagara, Takefumi and Takatani, Tomohiro and Arakawa, Osamu and Noguchi, Tamao (2006) Accumulation and depuration profiles of PSP toxins in the short-necked clam Tapes japonica fed with the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella. Toxicon 48 (2006) 323–330. pp. 323-330.

The Borneo, Post (2008) Act to be amended promptly. -. (In Press)

Bryden, H.I and Mujahid, A. and Cunningham, S.A. and Kanzow, T. (2009) Adjustment of the basin-scale circulation at 26◦ N to variations in Gulf Stream, deep western boundary current and Ekman transports as observed by the Rapid array. Ocean Sci. 5, 421-433, 2009.

Ling, T. Y. and Goh, S. H. and Kasing, Apun (2003) Adsorption of Fecal Coliforms, Escherichia coli, in Soils of Sarawak. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science Vol. 7: 57- 62 (2003), ISSN: 394 7990. ISSN 394 7990

Utusan, Sarawak (2009) Aidilfitri : UNIMAS bantu golongan yang memerlukan. -. (In Press)

The Borneo, Post (2006) Aim to be first class community. -. (In Press)

Utusan, Sarawak (2011) Air bersih, selamat : UNIMAS-EPC Synergy meterai MoU kerjasama jalankan penyelidikan. -. (In Press)

Yusoff, Abdul Hafidz and Assim, Zaini and Mohamad, Samsur (2012) Aliphatic Hydrocarbons In Surface Sediments From South China Sea Off Kuching Division, Sarawak. The Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, Vol 16 No 1(2012): 1 – 11.

Muhammad Suhaib, M. H. and Mohd Hasnain, Md Hussain and Awang Ahmad Sallehin, Awang Husaini (2010) Alpha-Amylase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens UMAS 1002 Gene Characterization and Expression in Escherichia coli. In: Prosiding Simposium Persatuan Biologi Gunaan Malaysia Ke-11, 2010 “Keseimbangan Biologi Ke Arah Kelestarian Hayat”.

Japar, Farinah (2000) Amalan pengurusan sumber manusia di kalangan usahawan Bumiputera di dalam industri kecil dan sederhana :kajian kes di sekitar Kuching. [Final Year Project Report]

Berita, Harian (2012) Anak Penan pertama masuk U. -. (In Press)

Syahrul Nizam, Junaini (2009) Anakku Celik Komputer. buku prima.

Mohamad Yusoff, Salmah and Othman, Mohd. Razali and Saili, Jamayah and Lok, Maria (2006) Analisa Keperluan Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Bagi Guru-guru Sekolah Menengah di Bahagian Betong, Sarawak. In: Proceedings of the Counselor Board National Conference. 2006: Kuala Lumpur: Lembaga Kaunselor. (Unpublished)

Wan Hasan, Sharifah Maryam (2011) Analisis kandungan kursus orientasi pensyarah-pensyarah baru dan kesannya terhadap prestasi kerja. Other thesis, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

Khairudin, Khairulnaimah (2005) Analisis penemuan penggambaran proses kognitif otak melalui aplikasi teknik Hemodinamik. [Final Year Project Report]

Gelau, Julieana (2009) Analysis of tesl trainees' attempt to build upon students' input in english class during teaching practice. [Final Year Project Report]

Jusoh, Ismail and M.Z, Jusoh and Mohd H., Sahri (1995) Anatomical Variation In Planted Kelempayan (Neolamarckia Cadamba, Rubiaceae). IAWA Journal, Vol. 16 (3). 1995: 277 -287.

Ismail, Jusoh and Kamdem, D. Pascal and Siti Nurasmah, Abu Samat (2005) Anatomical characteristics of tension and normal wood in rubberwood ( Hevea brasiliensis). In: 6th Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy Conference, 1-5 December 2005, Kyoto University, Japan.

Chai, Elena Gregoria Chin Fern (2009) Ancestor power: Marriage rituals of a Hakka community in Sarawak,Malaysia. [Working Paper]

Hassan, Zaiton and Kasa, Mark (2013) Antecedent and Consequences of Flow : Lessons For Developing Human Resources. In: The 9th International Conference on Cognitive Science.

Hassan, Zaiton and Umpie, Augustus (2013) Antecedents of Work family enrichment: A study in local authority. In: Paper submitted to National Psychology Seminar, UMS Nov 2013, Nov 2013, UMS.

Zaiton, Hassan and Nasir @Thomas, Josne (2014) Antecedents of Work-Family Conflict Dimensions. In: Paper presented at South East Asia Psychology Conference (SEAP) 2012, 26-28 September 2012, UMS, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 26-28 September 2012, UMS, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (Unpublished)

Liau, Juna (2007) Anthropological study of Ketene' : The Kenyah verbal art. [Working Paper]

Ishak, Nur Diyana and Jusoh, Ismail and Assim, Zaini (2011) Antifungal Activity of Jatropha curcas Pericarps and leaves Extracts. In: International Congress ofthe Malaysian Society for Microbiology 2011, Penang, Malaysia, 8 -11 December 2011.

Madihie, Amalia and Mohd Noah, Sidek (2012) An Application Of The Sidek Module Development In REBT Counseling Intervention Module Design For Orphans. In: 3rd world Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance, 09-12 May 2012.

Farah Liyana, Azizan and Sathasivam, Saratha (2012) Applying Fuzziness in Neural Symbolic-Integration. [Working Paper]

Mohd Said, Siti Norazilah and Madihie, Amalia and Ng , Giap Weng and Oon , Yin Bee and Lew , Hong Yew and Khan Ullah, Rehman (2013) Architecture of Online Intelligent Counseling System. In: Presented in 19th PERKAMA International Counselling Convention (9 – 11 June, 2013), Kuala Lumpur., 9 – 11 June, 2013, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

The Borneo, Post (2013) Arts students also have a place at SCORE. -. (In Press)

Jaya, Seelan and S.S., Ali and Faisal Anwarali, Ali Khan and Sepiah, Muid (2009) Aspergillus species isolated from mangrove forests in Borneo Island, Sarawak, Malaysia. Journal of Threatened Taxa 2009 Vol. 1 No. 6 pp. 344-346.

Balasupramaniam, Komathi and Kopli, Bujang (2011) Assessing Growth Performance Of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae In Stillage From Ethanol Fermentation. Postgraduate Symposium on Resource Science and Technology. FRST. UNIMAS. 20-21 Dec 2011.

Nadarajan, Shanthi (2008) Assessing In-Depth Vocabulary Ability of Adult ESL Learners. url

Talwar, Prashant (2009) Attitude towards mental illness : a Sarawak study. [Working Paper]

Ernest Cyril, de Run and Muhammad Mohsin, Butt and Fam, Kim-Shyan and Jong, H. J. (2012) Attitudes towards offensive advertising: Malaysian Muslims' views. Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. 1 Issue 1, pp.25 - 36, 1 (1). pp. 25-36.

Ong,, Siou Chin. and Kulathuramaiyer, Narayanan and Wee, Alvin Yeo (2006) Automatic discovery of concepts from text. In: 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence.

Wan Robiah, Meor Osman Bahasa dan Komuniti. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

Hasanah, Sapawi (2005) Bakeri management system (BakeryShop). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

May-Chiun, Lo and Rossazana, Abdul Rahim (2006) Bases of Power and influence strategies : The impact of Leader-Member exchange. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

Kumaran, Jayaraj Vijaya and Anwarali, F. A. and Abdullah, M.T (2014) Bats of Mount Penrisen, Padawan, Sarawak. [Working Paper] (Submitted)

Utusan, Sarawak (2009) Bazar Siswa semarakkan kolej kediaman UNIMAS. -. (In Press)

The Borneo, Post (2007) Be ready for rural postings, doctors told. -. (In Press)

Ibrahim, Nor Hasniah and Saili, Jamayah (2013) The Blessings of a Child with Learning Disabilities : An Islamic Perspective. In: Paper presented at 1'st Asia Pacific Conference On Dyslexia and Other Learning Disabilities 2O13: 25-27 June 2013, Borneo Convention Centre Kuching, Sarawak..

Uda, Ezra (2002) Blockade :sebagai wadah penyertaan politik kaum Penan di Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

The Borneo, Post (2008) Bloggers can hide or delete offending remarks, Election Court told. -. (In Press)

The Borneo, Post (2006) Bond with society , varsities urged. -. (In Press)

Awang Marikan, D. A. and Habibullah, Muzafar Shah (2008) Bordering neighbours: Testing for border effect on Malaysia's northern states and Southern Thailand. [Working Paper]

The Borneo, Post (2006) Borneo Research Council plans biennial talk at UNIMAS. -. (In Press)

Norazila, Abd Aziz and Hong, Kian Sam and Fitri Suraya, Mohamad and Peter, Songan and Gabriel Tonga, Noweg (2007) Brave New World for University Educators : Effects of Pedagogical Training on Teaching at Higher Education Level. In: The 3rd Regional Conference on Engineering Education & Research in Higher Education 7-9 June 2010, Kuching, Sarawak., 7-9 June 2010, Kuching, Sarawak..

Gill, Raja (2008) Bridging, bonding and building : an agenda for interfaith social work. [Working Paper]

Kishen, Bunya and Titol Peter, Malim and Wahap, Marni and Huzal Irwan, Hussin and Khairul Nizam, Kamaruddin and Mohd Nizam, Mat Saad and Abdullah, M.T (2012) Brief Survey of Mammals in Imbak Canyon Conservation Area, Sabah. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

Utusan, Sarawak (2010) Bujang Nor dianugerah gelaran Doktor Pengurusan. -. (In Press)

Noor'ain, Aini and Mersat, Neilson Ilan (2008) Bumiputera Islam dalam politik Sarawak (1963-2007): satu analisis. [Working Paper]

Lingan, Insor (2004) Bumiputera's non-performing loans (NPLs) : a case study of Sarawak economic development corporation, (SEDC Sarawak). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Tio, Siow Teng (2006) CD-based childcare system (CDCS). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Utusan, Sarawak (2009) CIPTA titik mula pelajar ketengahkan hasil ciptaan. -. (In Press)

The Borneo, Post (2008) CM calls for uniform M'sian landscape. -. (In Press)

J., Mohd Azlan and Engkamat, L. (2013) Camera Trapping And Conservation In Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary, Sarawak, Borneo. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 2013 61(1) : 397–405.

Sabri, Nur Asmawati (2010) Cara berfikir di kalangan awal dewasa : kajian kes berhubung konsep abstrak dan konkrit. [Final Year Project Report]

Prashant, Talwar and Shevonne Tresa, Matheiken (2010) Caregivers in schizophrenia : a cross cultural perspective. [Working Paper]

Seelan, Jaya and Anwarali, F. A. (2009) Case report of a new pathogenic variant of Aspergillus fumigatus isolated from Hipposideros cervinus (Chiroptera : Hipposideridae) in Sarawak, Malaysia. Journal of Threatened Taxa 2009 Vol. 1 No. 3 pp. 190-191.

Louis, Angella Cox (2009) Case study : responses of young children during read aloud activity. [Final Year Project Report]

Bong, Chih How and Kulathuramaiyer, Narayanan and Wong, Ting Kiong (2005) Categorical term descriptor: a proposed term weighting scheme for feature selection. In: 2005 IEEENVlClACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (W1'05).

Wong,, Siew Wei (2011) Causality between energy consumption, gross domestic product, carbon dioxide emissions and employment in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. [Final Year Project Report]

Tawie Tingga, Roberta Chaya and Mohd Tajudin, Abdullah (2012) Cecadu gunung kecil. Dewan Kosmik. pp. 46-47.

Wong, Swee Kiong (2008) Challenges facing pepper industry in Malaysia in the 21st century. [Working Paper]

Utusan, Sarawak (2010) Chamil Warya dan Baharom Mahusi di UNIMAS. -. (In Press)

Jing-Yu, Li and Siti Akmar Khadijah, Ab Rahim and Cyril Glenn, Satuito and Hitoshi, Kitamura (2004) Characterization of the active substances in water conditioned by the coralline red alga Corallina pilulifera as inducers of metamorphosis in larvae of the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina. Sessile Organisms 21(2):41-46 (2004).

Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak (2009) Chemistry fundamentals and applications : compilation of paper presented at 2nd Junior Chemist Colloquium (2nd JCC) at Universiti Malaysia. In: 2nd Junior Chemist Colloquium (2nd JCC) at Universiti Malaysia.

Abd. Gani, Abdullah (2003) Classroom management in teaching-learning of english in large classes. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Yeo, Yen Ping (2004) Clinical management system (CMS). [Final Year Project Report]

Swamy, Mummedy and Wan Yusof, Wan Roslina and Mat Zin, Intan Nurfirdaus and Sirajudeen, K. N. S. and Mustapha, Zulkarnain and Govindasamy, Chandran (2011) Co-expression of citrulline-nitric oxide cycle enzymes and decreased glutamine synthetase expression in different regions of brain in epilepsy rat model. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology., 5 (12). pp. 1522-1529. ISSN 1996-0816

Ting, Su Hie (2010) Code-switching in Malay television series : Influence of global English versus local Malaysian identity. In: Proceedings of Asian Media Congress, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.

Jing-Yu, Li and Siti Akmar Khadijah, Ab Rahim and Satuito, Cyril Glenn and Kitamura, Hitoshi (2004) Combination of macroalgae-conditioned water and periphytic diatom Navicula ramosissima as an inducer of larval metamorphosis in the sea urchins Anthocidaris crassispina and Pseudocentrotus depressus. Sessile Organisms 21(1):1-6 (2004).

Siew-Ai Ong, Marilyn and Chun-Phuoc, Jeong (2012) Commodity Futures Trading : Its Permissibility According To Sunni Traditionalist Ijtihãd And Ijtihãd Maqasidi. International Journal of Business and Society, 13 (2). pp. 93-106.

Ting, Su Hie (2012) Communication strategies of ESL learners : Problem solving or message enhancing? In: Paper presented at 40th RELC International Seminar, 'New Dimensions in the Teaching of Oral Communication', SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, Singapore.

Enjila, Ales (2005) Communication strategies of ESL learners : problem solving or message enhancing? [Final Year Project Report]

Zaiton, Hassan and Nor Afiza, Hasnan (2014) Community demands and resources and work-family conflict : An exploratary study. In: Paper presented at 6th National Human Resource Management Conference, Organised by College of Business, UUM. 5-6 December 2012, Melaka, 5-6 December 2012, Melaka. (Unpublished)

Garai, Regina (2008) Community interaction & interpersonal trust in low cost residential neighbourhood: Bandar Baru Semariang, Kuching, Sarawak. [Working Paper]

Chin, Wei Bong and Yin, Chai Wang and Chee , Wong Weng (2004) Comparative evaluation between multi-object and Singlwe-objective decision-making for political districting. In: The 2004 International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration, 8-10 November 2004, Las Vegas, USA.

Lee, Nyanti and G, Berundang and T.Y., Ling (2009) Comparison of Solids and Oxygen demand reduction in Shrimp Culture Wastewater Treatments with and without Water Hyacinth. In: Paper presented at Proceedings 4th International Conference on Natural Resources and Environmental Management and Environmental Safety and Health. 24-26 Nov. 2009, Kuching. (Unpublished)

W.L., Freddy Kho and J., Sentian and Radojevic, M. and C.L. , Tan and P.L. , Law and S. , Halipah (2007) Computer simulated versus observed NO2 and SO2 emitted from elevated point source complex. International Journal Environmental Science Technology, 4 (2). pp. 215-222. ISSN 1735-1472

Ricky Maba, Frederick Empati (2007) Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) in classroom. Levels of call integration among secondary English language teachersin Sri Aman division :a survey. [Final Year Project Report]

Mohd Kamal, Khairil Annuar (2011) Conceptualizing the Acculturation of a Worker in a Coasian Firm: A Preliminary View. [Working Paper]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Conference on Information Technology in Asia : proceedings of CITA'99. In: Conference on Information Technology in Asia, Kuching. (Unpublished)

Jerome, Collin and Ting, Su Hie (2013) Construction of Ethnic Identity in Malaysian Tourism Texts. In: SOLLs.INTEC 2013, Cyberview Resort & Spa, Cyberjaya. (Unpublished)

The Borneo, Post (2006) Convocation Fest at UNIMAS. -. (In Press)

Maurer, Hermann and Kulathuramaiyer, Narayanan (2007) Coping with the copy-paste-syndrome. In: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education.

Helena, Mohd Nawawi and Siti Jamilah, Ahmad (2002) Courseware perkara asas fardu 'ain (PAFA) untuk sekolah menengah. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak (2007) Creative marketing in asia pacific : Issues and challenges. In: Asia Pacific Marketing Conference 2007, November 2-3, 2007., Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia,.

Mohd Kamal, Khairil Annuar (2011) A Critical Study of Malaysian Financial Conglomerates: Some Preliminary Issues. [Working Paper]

Regina Garai, Abdullah (2009) Cross border movements along Sarawak-West Kalimantan border : case study in Keranggas Gayau, Sri Aman, Sarawak. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

M.O, Rosita and R., Fatihah and K.M, Nazri and Yeo, Alvin Wee and Tan, Daniel Y.W. (2010) Cultural Heritage Knowledge Discovery: An Exploratory Study of the Sarawak Gazette. In: 2nd Semantic Technology and Knowledge Engineering Conference, 28-30 July 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Yap, Lee Ling (2006) Customers' perceptions towards a quality counter service : a case study in public sector. [Final Year Project Report]

Jeniri, Amir (2005) Dari budaya ke media : mengangkat suara pinggiran di Sarawak. In: Dari budaya ke media : mengangkat suara pinggiran di Sarawak. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

Kulathuramaiyer, Narayanan and Maurer, Hermann (2007) Data Mining is becoming Extremely Powerful, but Dangerous. Data Mining is becoming Extremely Powerful, but Dangerous.

Madihie, Amalia and Mohd Noah, Sidek (2011) Daya Tahan dan Konsep Kendiri Remaja dalam Paradigma Dunia Kaunseling di Rumah Anak Yatim. In: Konvensyen Antarabangsa Persatuan Kaunselor Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Utusan, Sarawak (2012) DeTAR Putra kebanggaan UNIMAS. -. (In Press)

Ling, T. Y. and Tan, W. S. and Kasing, Apun (2009) Decay rate of Eschericha Coli in wastewater : effects of temperature and substrate. In: Paper presented at Proceeding of the 3rd Regional Conference on Natural Resources in the Tropics (NRTrop3), 2009. (Unpublished)

Swamy, Mummedy and Wan Yusof, Wan Roslina and Sirajudeen, K. N. S. and Mustapha, Zulkarnain and Govindasamy, Chandran (2011) Decreased glutamine synthetase, increased citrulline–nitric oxide cycle activities, and oxidative stress in different regions of brain in epilepsy rat model. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry., 67. pp. 105-113.

The Borneo, Post (2008) Demand for artists, designers will rise. -. (In Press)

Ezra Anandaraj, Esther Sangeedha and Mering, Helena Ping (2004) Detecting plagiarism in a student's assignment based on web pages referenced by a student. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Mohd Yazid, Siti Nur Akmar and Suk , Fun Chin and Suh, Cem Pang and Sing, Muk Ng (2012) Detection of Sn(II) ions via quenching of the fluorescence of carbon nanodots. An International Journal on Analytical Micro- and Nanochemistry.

Lesley Maurice, Bilung and Son, Radu and Abdul Rani, Bahaman and Raha, Abdul Rahim and Suhaimi, Napis and Micheal Wong, Clemente Vui Ling and Gwendelyne Bulan, Tanil and Mitsuaki, Nishibuchi (2005) Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in cockle (Anadara granosa) by PCR. FEMS Microbiology Letters 252 (2005) 85-88, 252 (1). pp. 85-88. ISSN 1574-6968

Usan, Gracia Inche (2009) Determination Of Heavy Metals In Vegetables From Farmland South Of Kuching City Area. [Final Year Project Report]

Ling, How Kee (2008) Developing culturally based methods of inquiry in qualitative research. [Working Paper]

Keong, Melissa Wei Yin (2011) Development of instructional materials for an online learning module on image editing. [Final Year Project Report]

Tian, Yuh Ming (2005) Diamond interest electronic commerce website. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Lawan, S. M. and Abidin, W. A. W. Z. and Chai, W.Y and Baharun, A. and Masri, T. (2014) Different Models of Wind Speed Prediction; A Comprehensive Review. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 5 (1). pp. 1760-1768. ISSN 2229-5518

Surian Khartini, Jali and Noralifah, Annuar and Nurul Zawiyah, Mohamad and Ting, Su Hie and Salbia, Hassan (2014) Dilemmas Of The English-Melanau Translators In Sarawak Language Technologies Project. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

Sayang, Salina and Hassan, Zaiton and Sabil, Surena (2013) Dimension of Work-Family Enrichment and its Outcomes among Teachers. In: Paper presented at 1st International CHREST conference on Labour Market Transformation and Human Resource Development. 8-9 January 2013. Cititel Midvalley Kuala Lumpur. Organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, UKM.

May-Chiun , Lo and Ramayah, T. (2009) Dimensionality of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in a Multicultural Society : The case of Malaysia. International Business Research , 2 (1).

T., Ramayah and Noor Hazlina, Ahmad and Hasliza, Abdul Halim and Siti Rohaida, Mohamed Zainal (2010) Discriminant analysis : An illustrated example. African Journal of Business Management , 4 (9). pp. 1654-1667.

Vijaya Kumaran, Jayaraj and Siti Hajjar, Muhamad Daud and Mohd Isham, Azhar and Shahrul Anuar, Mohd Sah and Seri Intan, Mokhtar and Mohd Tajuddin, Abdullah (2013) Diversity and Conservation status of Mammals in Wang Kelian State Park, Perlis, Malaysia. Journal of species lists and distribution, 9 (6). pp. 1439-1448. ISSN 1809-127X

Mohammad Hasnul, Bolhassan and Noorlidah, Abdullah and Vlkineswary, Sabarantnam and Hattori, Tsufomu and Sumaiyah, Abdullah and Noraswati, Mohd Noor Rashid and Md. Yusoff, Musa (2012) Diversity and Distribution of Polyporales in Peninsular Malaysia (Kepelbagaian dan Taburan Polyporales di Semenanjung Malaysia). Sains Malaysiana 41(2)(2012): 155-161.

Rohaiza, D. and Mohd Nizam, M.S (2011) Diversity of Trees at Pulau Timun Forest Reserve in Langkawi Archipelago. In: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu International Annual Symposium (UMTAS) 2011. 11th to13th July 2011., Universiti Malaysia Terengganu . (Unpublished)

Muhamad Ikhwan, Idris and Fatimah, Abang (2012) Diversity of macromoth (Lepidoptera: Heterocera) in Lubuk Sembilang, Langkawi Island, Kedah, Malaysia. In: Rimba 2 : Regional Sustainable Development in Malaysia and Australia. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, pp. 67-82.

Muhd Sadique, M. K. (2011) Do Malaysia and Pakistan are suitable for a comparative study of SMEs: an intellectual capital perspective? Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3 (8).

Kee, Swee Lin and Lo, May Chiun and Ramayah, T. and Noornina, Dhalan (2007) Does leadership styles matter in Change Management Success? Employee performance as a proxy of effective change. Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship.

T., Ramayah and May-Chiun Lo, Chiun Lo and Nusrah, Samat and Hasliza, Abdul Halim (2010) Does market orientation lead to higer service quality provision and performance? A study among service organizations in Nothern Malaysia. International Journal Modelling in Operations Management, Vol. 1. No. 2, 2010, 1 (2).

May-Chiun , Lo and Ramayah, T. and Ernest Cyril , de Run (2010) Does transformational leadership style foster commitment to change? The case of higher education in Malaysia. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 5384-5388, 2. pp. 5384-5388.

Saili, Jamayah and Mahfoz,, Napsiah and Labong, Elicabet Pasan and Putit, Zabidah (2014) Domestic Violence against Women. In: Proceedings of the International Conference On Gender and Southeast Asia (pp. 184-190). Bangkok : WARI (Women’s Action and Resource Initiative).

Mahfoz, Napsiah and Labong, Elicebat Pasan and Saili, Jamayah and Putit, Zabidah (2014) Domestic violence and the workplace : Implications On. In: Proceedings of the National Counseling Conference (CD ROM), 2005: Kuching, Sarawak: Fakulti Sains Kognitif dan Pembangunan Manusia, UNIMAS.. (Unpublished)

Sarawak, Tribune (1998) Don't be too choosy about jobs : Tun Zaidi. -. (In Press)

The Borneo, Post (2012) Dr Mahathir agrees to be patron of UNIMAS Alumni. -. (In Press)

Utusan Sarawak (1999) Dr Rujhan :Malaysia boleh capai KNK 5 peratus. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

N.M., Sa’don and M.J., Pender and A.R., Abdul Karim (2014) Dynamic Soil Stiffness Between WAK, SASW and SCPT Tests. In: InCIEC 2013 Proceedings of the International Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Conference 2013. Springer Singapore, pp. 461-475. ISBN 978-981-4585-01-9

Islam, M.S. and Rahman, M.R. and Jusoh, Ismail and Ahmed, Abu Saleh and Idrus, Mun'aim and Hamdan, Sinin (2011) Dynamic Young's Modulus, Morphological, And Thermal Stability Of 5 Tropical Light Hardwoods Modified By Benzene Diazonium Salt Treatment. Bioresources 6(1), 737-750.

Hamdan, S. and Sedik, Y. and Jusoh, Ismail and Hasan, M. and Talib, Z.A. (2009) Dynamic Young's modulus and glass transition temperature of selected tropical wood species. Bioresources 6(1), 737-750.

Mustafa, Rujhan (2005) The Dynamism of East Asian Economic Integration. In: 9th International Conference on Global Business & Economic, Seoul Korea, 24-28 May 2005.

Berita, Harian (2012) Dzuriaty terima anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang. -. (In Press)

Fung, Yuen Wui and Loh, Chee Wyai and Ong, Siou Chin and Su, Chee Hoi (2004) EBario map-based tourism website. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Sitin, Fred John (2007) ESL students' expectations of the computer. [Final Year Project Report]

Sanub, Othna (2007) ESL teachers' perception towards the literary texts used in KBSM form four and form five English literature compoinent. [Final Year Project Report]

Zaiton, Hassan and Dollard, Maureen F. and Winefield, Anthony H. (2011) Eastern perspective of Work-Life Balance : an Example from Malaysia. In: Paper presented at the Seminar on National Family Policy 2011 14-15 September 2011; Faculty of Human Ecology UPM, Serdang, Malaysia, 14-15 September 2011, Serdang,Malaysia.

I. B, Ipor and Tawan, Cheksum Supiah and Ngau, A. (2003) Ecology of Reservoir Park, Urban Forest of Kuching City, Sarawak: Tree Species And Soil Nutrients. The Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. LVIII No. 79 ( New Series).

Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak (2013) Economic & Ecological Implications of Hydraulic Fracturing. In: WEI International Academic Conference Proceedings, January 14-16, 2013 , Antalya, Turkey.

Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak (2013) Economic & Ecological Implications of Hydraulic Fracturing. In: WEI International Academic Conference Proceedings, Antalya, Turkey, January 14-16, 2013 .

Rasiah, Rajah and Shazali, Abu Mansor and Abas, Said (2002) Economic Growth and The Environment In Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Society, Vol. 3 No.2, 2002 : 69-86.

Said, Abas and Ayob, Norazirah (2005) Ecotourism development and forest resources conservation : Maludam National Park, Sarawak. In: The East Asia Inter-Regional Tourism Forum (EATOF), 2-4 September 2005, Jilin China.

Sabrina, Nasser Khan and Rusli, Ahmad and Sopian, Bujang (2011) The Effect Of Rating Errors Towards The Effectiveness Of Performance Appraisal. In: International Conference on Human Resource Development: Transforming Human Capital in Innovation-Led Economy, 22-23 June 2011 Mutiara Johor Bahru Hotel, Johor Malaysia, 22-23 June 2011, Johor, Malaysia.

Mohammad Syuhaimi, Ab-Rahman and Noor Azie Azura, Mohd Arif and Sahbudin, Shaari (2011) Effect of Thermal Treatment on the Morphology of ZnS: Mn Nanocrystal. World Applied Sciences Journal, 12 (9). pp. 1505-1511. ISSN 1818-4952

Then, Y.P. and Kasing, Apun and Ling, Teck Yee (2005) Effect of predation on survival of Esherichia Coli in Piggery Wastewater. In: Paper presented at Proceedings of the 8th Symposium of Applied Biology; Marriot Putrajaya Hotel, Putrajaya, 22-23 June 2005.

Sulok, K.M.T. and Zainudin, S.R and Hassim, M.I and Suhaili, S. (2012) Effects Of Different Watering Regimes On Foliar Spectral Reflectance And Chlorophyll Content Of Jatropha curcas Linn. J. Trop. Plant Physiol. 4 (2012): 41-51.

Mohamad Tuah, Ahmed Shamsul Bahri and Mohamad Tuah, Khadijah (2006) Effects and affects of literature of Kuching secondary school students. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Naimah, Talib (2005) Elektronik sistem nikah, cerai dan rujuk (e-SINAR) web - based islamic family and marriage managemenr system. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Chan, Yi Teng (2006) Emotional intelligence and willingness in help seeking from professional and non-professional sources. [Final Year Project Report]

Mung, Ling Voon and Voon, Sze-Ling and Puah, Chin-Hong (2008) An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Corporate Crime in Malaysia.

Ahmad, Rusli (2008) Employee Appraisals and Cognitive Information Processing Systems. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

Rusli, Ahmad (2012) Employees performance evaluation : A Malaysian case. RS Publishing.

Kho, Marcus Gee-Whai and Chuah, Kee-Man (2015) Encouraging ESL Discourse Exchanges via Facebook : A Study on Engineering Students. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Appleton, Ann (2009) The Enduring Legacy of the Melanau Traditional Healer. [Working Paper]

Looi-Chin , Ch’ng and Rethinasamy, Soubakeavathi (2013) English language assessment in Malaysia: teachers’ practices in test preparation. Issues in Language Studies, 2 (2). pp. 24-39. ISSN 2180-2726

Kien, Bee ooi and Ting, Su Hie (2012) English proficiency and employability: Polytechnic students’ notions of what it takes to get them employed. In: Persidangan Kebangsaan Penyelidikan dan Inovasi dalam Sistem Pendidikan dan Teknik dan Vokasional (CIETVET 2012), 25-26 September 2012, Politeknik Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia..

Javed, Arshad and Wang, Yin Chai and Rakan Alenezi, Abdulhameed and Kulathuramaiyer, Narayan (2014) Enhancement of Magnetic Resonance Images Using Soft Computing Based Segmentation. International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, 4 (1). pp. 73-78. ISSN 2010-3700

Tateh, 0. and Latip, H.A and Dayang Affizzah, Awang Marikan (2014) Entrepreneurial Intentions among Indigenous Dayak in Sarawak, Malaysia : An Assessment of Personality Traits and Social Learning. The Macrotheme Review, 3 (2). pp. 110-119.

Then, Y.P. and Ling, T. Y. and Apun, Kasing (2005) Escherichia Coli survival in Lagoon waste water different temperature and pH. In: Paper presented at Proceedings of the 8th Symposium of Applied Biology; Marriots Putrajaya Hotel, Putrajaya, 22-23 June 2005.

Terence, Tai-Leung Chong and Venus, Khim-Sen Liew and Yuanxiu, Zhang and Chi-Leung, Wong (2006) Estimation of the Autoregressive Order in the Presence of Measurement Errors. Economics Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 12 pp. 1-10, 3 (12). pp. 1-10.

Tan , A.K and Mallika , P.S and Aziz, S. and Asok, T. and Intan, G. (2008) Ethambutol ocular toxicity in a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis a case report. Malaysian Family Physician , 3 (2). pp. 87-90. ISSN 1985-207X (print), 1985-2274 (electronic)

Vincent, M. and Pometto III, A.L. and Leeuwen, J.V. (2014) Ethanol production via simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of sodium hydroxide treated corn stover using Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Gloeophyllum trabeum. Bioresource Technology, 158. pp. 1-6.

Chin, Sien Fah (2005) Ethnic groups' attitude and behavioral intention : the impact of language in packing. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Ernest Cyril , de Run (2007) Ethnically targeted advertising : views of those not targeted. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics , 19 (3).

Ernest Cyril , de Run and Hassan, Siti Hasnah (2003) Evaluation Of Information Sources : A Study Of Sarawakian Business-To-Business Elite Managers. Journal of Asia Pacific Marketing ; 2003; vol. 2, 2; ProQuest Central pg. 56, 2 (2). p. 56.

Ng, Evelyn Chiew Yew (2003) Evaluation and diagnosis of the english language self access centre in the primary schools in Kuching-Samarahan. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Bong, Sung Jong (2004) Evaluation tourism websites' usefulness and ease of use :a user's perspective. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Lee, Julia Ai Cheng (2005) Examples to live by. 2005-09-02. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Muhammad Tanvir, Afzal and Kulathuramaiyer, Narayanan and Maurer, Hermann (2008) Expertise Finding for an Electronic Journal. In: I-KNOW ’08 and I-MEDIA '08 Graz, September 3-5, 2008, Austria.

May-Chiun , Lo (2014) Explaining intention to use an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System : An extension of the UTAUT model. [Working Paper] (Submitted)

Hafiz, Baba and Shaari Jamal, Abdul Nassir and Ibrahim Saleh, Adamu (2013) An Exploratory Evidence of Youth’s ICT empowerment in Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, 5 (10).

Sedau, Eman (2004) Exploring vocabulary difficulty in english literature classroom and solutions :an action research. [Final Year Project Report]

The Borneo, Post (2008) Expo promoting research and development now on at UNIMAS. -. (In Press)

Sim, Edmund and Ling, Teck Yee and Tiong, Thung-Sing and Selva, Subramaniam and Khoo, Alan (2012) Expression Trend of Selected Ribosomal Protein Genes in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Malays J Med Sci. 2012 ; 19(4) : 23-30.

Zulkharnain, A.B and Maeda, R. and Omori, T. (2013) Expression, purification and characterization of meta-cleavage enzyme CarBaBb froim Novosphiongobium sp. K. Journal of biochemistry, microbiology and biotechnology, 1 (1). pp. 11-16. ISSN 2289-5779

Khoo, Elaine (2005) Extricating the web of learning : the case for learning communities. In: International Conference on Computing in Education 2005 (ICCE) 28 Nov-2nd Dec 2005, NIE Singapore.

Shafrida, Sahrani and Tatsuya, Akata and Michiko, Kuroda (2013) FDTD method for the analysis of the EM field from a moving source. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings. pp. 288-290.

Pang, S.C. and Tay, S.H. and Chin, S.F. (2014) Facile Synthesis of Curcumin-Loaded Starch-Maleate Nanoparticles. Journal of Nanomaterials.

Phun, Foong Thin (2004) Factors affecting teaching of reading in ESL classrooms. [Final Year Project Report]

Toh,, Su Siah Hazel (2006) Factors affecting the demand for national car in Kuching. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Chong, Siew Jung (2011) Factors associating with employees' job performance. [Final Year Project Report]

Ngu, Angela Sing Ling (2009) Factors contribute toward unmarried in middle-aged female and male. [Final Year Project Report]

Peter, Songan and Hong, Kian Sam and Gabriel, Tonga and Mustafa, Abdul Rahman and Tan, Kok Wah (2010) Factors influencing student choice : A study of a Malaysian Public University. Asian Journal of University Education (2010) Vol. 6 No.1, 75-89.

Sarok, Ahi (2009) Factors influencing successful implementation of quality management in local authorities administration in Sarawak, Malaysia. [Working Paper]

Awang Ahmad Sallehin, Awang Husaini and Ramlan, - (2010) Factors influencing willingness to pay for conservation of deltaic mangrove forest resources in district of Kuching. In: Proceedings of the 11th Symposium for the Malaysian Society of Applied Biology 2010.

Bon, Anna Sin Yii (2011) Factors influencing willingness to pay for conservation of deltaic mangrove forest resources in district of Kuching. [Final Year Project Report]

Jamayah, Saili and Surena, Sabil and Aniza, Adil (2004) Faktor Tekanan Guru Yang Mengajar Sains Dan Matematik Dalam Bahasa Inggeris : Satu Kajian Di Sekolah Menengah Sekitar Kuching. In: Proceedings of the International Education Conference, 2004, (pp. 736-748). Kuching: Unimas..

Hassan, Zaiton and Ng, Johnny Chie Shen (2002) Faktor dorongan yang berkaitan dengan prestasi kerja generasi x dan generasi boom. In: National Human Resource Management Conference, 19 - 20 January 2002.

Haji Jobli, Majani (2005) Faktor pemilihan kerjaya selepas persaraan di kalangan anggota tentera yang akan bersara. [Final Year Project Report]

Hu, San San (2005) Faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai terhadap kerja generasi-x dan generasi-boom. [Final Year Project Report]

Ishak, Zamrimi (2003) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar pusingan ganti kerja. [Final Year Project Report]

Yusof, Alizawati (2006) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberkesanan kerja berpasukan di kalangan pekerja di Jabatan Tanah dan Survei Sibu Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Jayan, Zuria (2005) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberkesanan program latihan etika dan pengurusan integriti di kalangan konstabel di Pulapol, Kuching. [Final Year Project Report]

Geres, Yancey (2002) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberkesanan putaran kerja di kalangan staf bukan eksekutif :kajian kes terhadap program kepelbagaian peranan di kampung budaya Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Nadzatul Hidayah, Alias (2009) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi obesiti di kalangan penduduk Kota Samarahan yang berumur awal 20an. [Final Year Project Report]

Mohamad Musa, Farra Liza (2005) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengekalan pengamalan 5S di sektor perkhidmatan. [Final Year Project Report]

Basir, Mahnorlina (2004) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan kerjaya di kalangan profesor dan profesor madya di Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Missun, Nelbon Tulis (2004) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi pekerja terhadap pembangunan kerjaya. [Final Year Project Report]

Chaling, James Jakup (2005) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tahap kepuasan pelanggan di sektor telekomunikasi. [Final Year Project Report]

The Borneo, Post (2012) Fatimah has mixed feelings on allowing student to bring mobile phones to school. -. (Unpublished)

Kulathuramaiyer, Narayanan and Maurer, Hermann (2007) Fighting plagiarism and IPR violation: why is it so important? Plagiarism and intellectual property rights (IPR) violations have become a serious concern for many institutions and organizations. The revolutionary development of the Web presents numerous opportunities for such infringements to become even more widespr.

The Borneo, Post (2012) Find root cause of problems affecting present education system, not just symptons. -. (In Press)

Symposium, Asean Sago (2009) First Asean Sago Symposium :[proceeding] : current trend and development in Sago research (Riverside Majestic Hotel, Kuching), 29-30 October 2009. In: Asean Sago Symposium (1st : 2009 : kuching).

The Borneo, Post (2008) First Iban PhD recipient from UNIMAS. -. (In Press)

Ernest Cyril , de Run and Subramaniam , Malar and Wong, Michael Sing Lung (2006) The Foochow entrepreneurial characteristics : comparison between generations. Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, 2 (3).

The Borneo, Post (2010) Food production viable business venture in state. -. (In Press)

The Borneo, Post (1999) Foreign firms to expand operations in S'wak. -. (In Press)

Sagat, Gerald Uyu (2004) Form one english language teachers' attitude towards multimedia technology and their background in using multimedia technology. [Final Year Project Report]

Centre for Academic, Information Services (2010) Forum Kepustakawanan : memacu tranformasi, pengguna didahulukan kecemerlangan diutamakan ; 8.30 pagi, 19 Oktober 2010. In: Forum Kepustakawanan : memacu tranformasi, pengguna didahulukan kecemerlangan diutamakan ; 8.30 pagi, 19 Oktober 2010.. (Unpublished)

The Borneo, Post (2012) Four high performers receive King's award. -. (Unpublished)

Jeffrine Rovie, Ryan and Kelvin Pudun, Dennis and Khairul Adha, A. Rahman and Yuzine B, Esa. (2009) Freshwater Fishes of Layar and Spak Rivers, Betong, Sarawak. Malaysian Fisheries Journal 8 (1) : 35-42 (JUNE 2009).

Dayang Kartini, Abang Ibrahim and Sheilla Lim, Omar Lim (2011) Fun at Work, Less Job Stress by using Humour. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Entrepreneurship and Management International Conference organized by Universiti Teknologi Mara & UNIMAP, 17-19 December, Perlis, Malaysia, 17-19 December 2011, Perlis, Malaysia.

The Borneo, Post (2008) Future lies in creativity. -. (In Press)

Subramaniam, Gokula Krishnan (2001) G-net 2000 :a network management system for UNIMAS virtual campus. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Jawatankuasa Mentor Mentee, FSKPM (2012) Gambar Sempena Hari Mentor Mentee FSKPM 2012. [Picture] (Unpublished)

Awang Suhaili, Dayang Manja (2005) Gaya kerja berpasukan :kajian perbandingan antara Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat dan Jabatan Pertahanan Awam di Kuching, Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Utusan, Malaysia (2011) Gementar masuki Gaza berseorangan. -. (In Press)

Hew, Cheng Sim (2014) Gender Studies Research Cluster in the Faculty Social Sciences Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. In: Gender Studies Research Cluster in the Faculty Social Sciences Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. (Unpublished)

Norehan, Zulkiply and Ahmad Zaidi, Adruce and Kartini, Abd Ghani and Po Ling, Chen (2008) Gender and educational stream differences in memory retention for verbal and non-verbal tasks. The International Journal of Learning, 15, 221-225..

Hew, Cheng Sim and Song, Saw Imm and Rasidah, Mahdi (2007) Gender equity in the Sarawak state civil service. [Working Paper]

Collin, Jerome (2006) Gendered reading gendered readers : responding to drama from a gendered perspective. In: The Science and Art of Language in Teaching International Conference.

Yuzine, Esa and Siti Shapor, Siraj and Khairul Adha, A. Rahim and Siti Khalijah, Daud and Ho, Ghim Chong and Tan, Soon Guan and Muhammad Fadhil, Syukri (2011) Genetic Characterization of Two Mahseer Species (Tor douronensis and Tor tambroides) Using Microsatellite Markers from Other Cyprinids : (Pencirian Genetik Dua Spesies Mahseer (Tor douronensis Dan Tor tambroides) Menggunakan Penanda Mikrosatelit Daripada Siprinid yang Berbeza). Sains Malaysiana 40(10)(2011): 1087-1095.

Mohd Aminudin, Mustapha and Siti Nurfatimah, MS and Ahmad Aizat, A.A and Venkatesh, R.N. and Biswal, BM and Zaidi, Z. and Shanwani, A.M.S and Mohammad Radzi, A.H. and Ravindran, Ankathil (2010) Genetic polymorphism of inflammation response genes TNF - 251 T > A and their influence on colorectal cancer predisposition risk in Malaysian population. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology., 22. A5.

Ramlah, Zainudin and Shukor, Mohd Nor and Norhayati, Ahmad and Badrul Munir, Md Zain and Mustafa, Abdul Rahman (2010) Genetic structure of Hylarana erythraea ( Amphibia : Anura : Ranidae) from Malaysia. Zoological Studies 49 (5) : 688-702 (2010).

Mohd Aminudin, Mustapha and Siti Nurfatimah, M.S. and Ahmad Aizat, A.A. and Venkata, M.K.B and Zaidi, Z. and Shanwani, A.M.S. and Mohammad Radzi, A.H. and Ankathil, Ravindran (2011) Genetic variants of TNF-α-308G>A and IL-8-251T>A associated with susceptibility of sporadic colorectal cancer in Malaysian patients. In: Human Genome Meeting 2011 Program & Abstract Book. HUGO journal., pp. 1-346.

Fong, P.H. and Yuzine, E. and Abdullah, M.T (2013) Genetic variations and population structure of the genus Cynopterus in Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 36 (3). pp. 225-248. ISSN 1511-3701

Ngu, Irene Tien Tien (2009) Genre-based text analysis : undergraduates' writing of information reports. [Final Year Project Report]

The Borneo, Post (2009) 'German Days' coming to Kuching. -. (In Press)

Lee, Julia Ai Cheng (2005) Getting priorities right. 2005-09-09. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Jamilah, Maliki (2007) Global television format : the case of akademi fantasia. [Working Paper]

Hew, Cheng Sim (2008) Globalisation and its challenges to gender mainstreaming in Malaysia. [Working Paper]

The Borneo, Post (2012) Good academician-student ties will make UNIMAS top varsity. -. (In Press)

Jawatankuasa Gotong Royong, RKK-FSKPM 2012 (2012) Gotong Royong RKK-FSKPM 2012. [Picture] (Unpublished)

Facultyof Cognitive Sciences &, Human Development (2012) Gotong Royong Staf Akademik FSKPM - Rumah Kanak-Kanak 2012. [Picture] (Unpublished)

The Borneo, Post (2006) Govt working with Unimas to come up with tourism syllabus. -. (In Press)

Utusan, Sarawak (2010) Graduan berinovatif. -. (In Press)

Utusan, Sarawak (2012) Graduan istimewa dapat Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kewangan. -. (In Press)

The Borneo, Post (2007) Graduates aiming for public sector jobs not helping govt to reduce nation's poverty rate. -. (In Press)

The Borneo, Post (2008) Graduates also need to have effective communication skills. -. (In Press)

Utusan, Sarawak (2012) Gula Sagu ganti gula tebu, 30 Oktober 2012. -. (In Press)

Fauzan, Norsiah and Nordin, Zaimuariffudin Shukri and Otek, Suaidi (2010) Hak Asasi kanak-kanak dan isu pendidikan. In: WACANA PROFES. unspecified.

Jamal Abdul, Nassir Shaari and Muhammad, Khalique and Nurul Izza, Abdul Malek (2013) Halal Restaurant: Lifestyle of Muslims in Penang. International Journal of Global Business, 6 (2). pp. 1-15.

Fahdlina, Aleefah and Jamal Abdul, Nassir Shaari and Muhammad, Khalique (2014) Halal Restaurant: What Makes Muslim In Kuching Confident? Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance and Marketing,, 6 (1). pp. 23-24.

UNSPECIFIED, ed. (2011) Handbook Teaching – Learning Resources in UNIMAS. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

UNSPECIFIED, ed. (2011) Handbook postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. (Unpublished)

Lim, Po Teen and Gires, Usup and Leaw, Chui-Pin (2012) Harmful Algal Blooms in Malaysian Waters. Sains Malaysiana 41(12)(2012) : 1509–1515, 41 (12). pp. 1509-1515.

Kanakaraju, Devagi and Jios, Connie and Mohd Long, Shabdin (2008) Heavy metal concentrations in the razor clams (solen spp) from Muara Tebas, Sarawak. The Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol. 12 No. 1 (2008).

Ling, T. Y. and Malini, M.R. and Lee, Nyanti (2007) Heavy metals in Shrimp pond and Shrimp muscles. In: Paper presented at Proceedings of Nrem & ESH 2007, Kuching, p 136-143. (Unpublished)

Carvajal Zarrabal, Octavio and María, Dulce and Barradas, Dermitz and Flores, Zaida Orta and Margaret, Patricia and Hayward, Jones and Cirilo, Nolasco-Hipolito and M Guadalupe, Aguilar Uscanga and Anilú Miranda, Medina and Kopli, Bujang (2012) Hibiscus sabdariffa L., roselle calyx, from ethnobotany to pharmacology. Journal of Experimental Pharmacology 2012:4.

Riders, -Digest (2012) Higher Education. [Magazine and Newsletter]

Bakri, Abdul Karim and Zulkefly, Abdul Karim and Tang, Ang Nee (2012) Holiday Effects In Malaysia : An Empirical Note. International Journal of Research in Economics and Business Management, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 023-026, November 2012, 1 (1). 023-026.

Mohd Long, Shabdin and Haji Ross, Othman (2008) Horizontal distribution of intertidal nematode from Sabah, Malaysia. Journal Of Tropical Biology And Conservation, 4 (1) : 39 – 53, 2008.

Lee, Seung-Jin and Lee, Julia Ai Cheng and Becker, Betsy (2009) How Effective are Spelling-Related Interventions for Children with Spelling Difficulties? A Meta-Analysis. In: Florida Education Research Association (FERA).

Rosfariza, Mohamed Ghani and Nur Fatihah, Mat Yusoff and Fatahyah, Yahya (2007) Hubungan Punca Tekanan Kerja dengan Tahap Perhubungan Perkahwinan. Jurnal Psikologi Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia. pp. 95-118.

Fatahyah, Yahya and Suriyani, Yahya and Aina Razlin, Mohammad Roose (2009) Hubungan antara Perkahwinan dengan Self-Esteem. Jurnal Kemanusiaan bil.13, Jun 2009.

Yahaya, Najidah (2006) Hubungan antara faktor pertautan dan faktor penentangan dengan persepsi klien terhadap kaunselor. [Final Year Project Report]

Sulaili, Fazila (2004) Hubungan antara gaya kepimpinan guru besar dengan tahap prestasi guru sekolah rendah :kajian kes di sekolah kebangsaan di Pusa, Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Suhaimi, Jamaludin (2006) Hubungan antara kerapatan hubungan dan kepuasan perkahwinan mahasiswa Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Nor Azlina, Harun (2010) Hubungan antara komunikasi dalam organisasi terhadap kepuasan kerja. [Final Year Project Report]

Ismail, Edora (1998) Hubungan di antara budaya organisasi dengan kepuasan kerja di kalangan pekerja sokongan :satu kajian kes di Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara. [Final Year Project Report]

Goi, Mei Teh (1996) Hubungan di antara kemahiran komunikasi (mendengar dan memberi maklumbalas) di kalangan penyelia dengan prestasi kakitangan bawahan, dan suasan komunikasi (menyokong atau mengancam) di Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat di Kuching. [Final Year Project Report]

Yunus, Erik Melvin (2001) Hubungan di antara persepsi budaya organisasi dengan prestasi kerja :satu tinjauan di kalangan pekerja di Sabah electricity Sdn. Bhd. [Final Year Project Report]

Zakaria, Nurul Iza (2006) Hubungan di antara situasi pengurusan kewangan keluarga dengan tahap perhubungan perkahwinan :satu kajian di kalangan anggota polis di Ibu Pejabat Daerah dan kontinjen Kuching. [Final Year Project Report]

Hassan, Hajjar (2000) Hubungan di antara tahap kesihatan dan beban tugas dengan faktor-faktor pekerja :kajian di Telekom Malaysia Berhad Cawangan Kuching, Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Mohamad, Abang Azlan and May-Chiun , Lo and Maw , King La (2009) Human Resource practices and organizational performance, incentives as moderator. Journal of Academic research in Economics, Vol. 1 No.2 2009, 1 (2).

Chai,, Siaw Ying (2003) Human capital development in Malaysia :a case study on companies, employees and undergraduate students in Kuching, Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

New Sunday, Times (1998) Hunting down the agents of illness. -. (In Press)

Hossin, M. and Sulaiman, M.N and Mustapha, A. and Mustapha, N. and Rahmat, R.W (2011) A Hybrid Evaluation Metric for Optimizing Classifier. In: 3rd Conference on Data Mining and Optimization (DMO) 28-29 June 2011, Selangor Malaysia, 28-29 June 2011, Putrajaya.

Habibah, Salleh (2009) Hydrolysis Of Sago Hampas For Production Of Fermentable Sugars. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Saili, Jamayah and Ibrahim, Nor Hasniah (2013) “I hope she dies when I die”: A mother’s experience with a child of Down syndrome. In: Paper presented at 1't Asia Pacific Conference On Dyslexia and Other Learning Disabilities 2O13: 25-27 June 2013, Borneo Convention Centre Kuching, Sarawak..

Hong, Kian Sam and Songan, Peter (2011) ICT in the changing landscape of higher education in Southeast Asia. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 2011, 27(Special issue, 8), 1276-1290, 27 (8). pp. 1276-1290.

Hla, Daw Tin and Md Isa, Abu Hassan bin and Shaikh, Junaid M. (2013) IFRS Compliance and Nonfinancial Information in Annual Reports of Malaysian Firms. IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices, 12 (4). pp. 7-24. ISSN 0972-690X

Sebli, Lucy (2009) Iban bejalai: Its effects on Iban women in contemporary Sarawak. [Working Paper]

Sarawak Tribune (2006) Iban's only known systemo of writing steppingin to modernity. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Goh,, Poi Chiaw (2005) If it is a duck, it should quack :three descriptive elements that influence television advertisement success from the perspective of teenagers in Kuching, Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Miod, M. C. and Ling, Teck Yee and Lee, Nyanti and Ismail, Norhadi and Emang, Justin Jok Jau (2009) Impacts of Aquaculture on the Water Quality of Santubong River, Sarawak. In: Paper presented at International Conference on Water Resources (ICWR 2009) 26-27 May 2009/ Bayview Hotel, Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia.

Ling, Teck Yee and Layang, H.W. and Then, Y.P. (2005) Impacts of Pig Farming on Serin river, Sarawak. In: International Science Congress (ISC) 2005 Module on "Agriculture, Aquaculture and Forestry" August 3-6, 2005 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Ahmad, Rusli and Spicer, David P (2010) Implementation of competency level assessment : A case of Malaysia public service remuneration system. In: Implementation of competency level assessment : A case of Malaysia public service remuneration system.

Sarok, Ahi (2010) Implementing quality management systems and its benefits in local authorities administration in Sarawak, Malaysia. [Working Paper]

Fauzan, Norsiah and Saran Ingkon, Benedict and Chong, Ngee Moi and Nan;apen,, Saraspathi and Lewen, Tingai (2007) The Implication of Attending Tuition Classes: Motivation or burden?? In: Wacana PROFES, Bil. 7. PROFES.

Hossin, M. and Sulaiman, M.N and Mustapha, N. and Rahmat, R.W (2014) Improved Version of Monte Carlo 1 Algorithm. In: Book of Abstracts (CAIT 2010) The 1st National Doctoral Seminar on Artificial Intelligence Technology, 30 Jun 2014. (Unpublished)

Muhammad Tanvir, Afzal and Balke, Wolf-Tilo and Maurer, Hermann and Kulathuramaiyer, Narayanan (2009) Improving citation mining. pp. 116-121.

Khim−Sen Liew, Venus and Kian−Ping , Lim (2005) Income Divergence? Evidence of Non−linearity in the East Asian Economies. Economics Bulletin, Vol. 15, No. 1 pp. 1−7, 15 (1). pp. 1-7.

Songan, Peter and Hong, Kian Sam and Tonga, Noweg and Rahman, Abdul and Tan, Kok Wah (2009) Information Sources and Factors Influencing Students' Selection of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. [Working Paper]

Omar, Roaimah and Ramayah, T. and May-Chiun , Lo and Tan , Yen Sang (2010) Information sharing, information quality and usage of information technology (IT) tools in Malaysian organizations. African Journal of Business Management , 4 (12).

Nadarajan, Shanthi (2014) Information technology and its use in the classroom - A Necessary boon or unwanted bane. [Working Paper] (Submitted)

Mohd Izwan, Ramlee and Ernisa, Marzuki and Ahmed Shamsul Bahri, Mohamad Tuah (2012) Input Type Effects On Students’ Written Narrative Responses. Issues in Language Studies, 1 (2).

Kulathuramaiyer, Narayanan and Bilal, Zaka and Helic, Denis (2008) Integrated Copy-Paste Checking: Design and Services. pp. 519-523.

Bong, Lok Leong and Thien, Moi Jin and Poh, Sok Ngo (2004) Integrated school cooperative management (ISCOOP). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Muuk, Magdaline (2008) Integrating computers in the ESL secondary classroom. [Final Year Project Report]

Wong, Toh Keng (2006) Intelligent parking manager. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Evan, Lau and Koon, Po Lee (2008) Interdependence of income between China and ASEAN-5 countries. Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, vol. 1. No. 2, 2008. pp. 148-161, 1 (2). pp. 148-161.

UNSPECIFIED (1997) International Conference on Computers in Education 1997 : proceedings of ICCE97. In: International Conference on Computers in Education , Kuching, Sarawak. (Unpublished)

UNSPECIFIED (1997) International Conference on Computers in Education : Call for registration. In: Proceedings of ICCE97 : International conference on computers in education, Sarawak, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak (2008) International Symposium and Workshop on Tropical Peatland ; Peatland Development : wise use and impact management. In: International Symposium and Workshop on Tropical Peatland (2008 : Universiti Malaysia Sarawak).

Khairuddin, Ab Hamid and Peter, Songan and Narayanan, Kulathuramaiyer and Alvin Wee, Yeo (2006) International Symposium on ICT for Rural Development. In: International conference on computers in education, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Nwanesi, Peter Karubi (2010) International students and intellectual acquisition : complexities and advantages of studying in oversea's universities and colleges. [Working Paper]

Santhira Rajah, Praveen Raj (2005) Internet quota management system. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Sahdi, F. and Gaudin, C. and Boylan, N. (2014) Interpreting T-bar tests in ultra-soft clay. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 14 (1). pp. 13-19. ISSN 2042-6550

Kartini, Abd Ghani and Keong, Melissa Wei Yin and Chen, Chwen Jen and Ong, Puay Hoon (2014) Investigating Strategies for Dyslexia Friendly Online Learning Environment (on-going project). [Magazine and Newsletter] (Submitted)

Ho, Soon Teet (2002) Investigating the effects of mediating tasks upon a summary writing activty. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Madihi, Hazali (2003) Investing the use of portfolio as a tool to enhance students writing skill a case study in S.M. Sains, Kuching. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Sarawak Tribune (1998) Investment prospects bright despite economic downturn. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Puah, Chin-Hong and Muzafar Shah, Habibullah and Liew, Venus Khim-Sen (2010) Is money neutral in stock market? The case of Malaysia. Economics Bulletin, Vol. 30 no.3, 30 (3).

Junaini, Syahrul Nizam and Kadikon, Sulaiman (2008) Isu dan Cabaran dalam Memperkasakan Ummah melalui ICT. In: International Seminar on Islamic Science and Technology 2008 (INSIST'08), 18-19 Mar 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.. (Unpublished)

Ernest Cyril , de Run and Yee, Teh Chin and Khalique, Muhammad (2010) It’s not just a brand name: The impact of language on consumer attitude and behavior. International Journal of Research Studies in Management , 1 (2). pp. 47-56.

Fumitaka, Furuoka and May-Chiun, Lo and Iwao, Kato (2007) Japan’s Foreign Aid policy towards Malaysia. Electronic Journal of contemporary Japanese Studies, 1.

Berita Harian (2012) Jerebu bawa rezeki kepada pelajar UNIMAS. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2008) Joyful rites of passage for Unimas graduates. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Haji Mura, Faizillullahwati (2002) Kajian faktor ganjaran dalam memotivasikan pekerja sokongan :kajian di salah sebuah organisasi kerajaan. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

John Bilusayang, Sumarni (2003) Kajian faktor-faktor zakat pendapatan di Kuching. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Fauziah, Ahmad (2002) Kajian kebolehgunaan paparan program komputer E-pendidikan matematik Sekolah Bestari (Gandaan). [Final Year Project Report]

Kee, Man Chuah and Chwen, Jen Chen and Chee, Siong Teh (2008) Kansei Engineering Concept in Instructional Design : A Novel Perspective in Guiding the Design of Instructional Materials. In: Fifth International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics. (Unpublished)

Hamidah, Abdul Wahab and Wan Robiah, Meor Osman and Mohammad, Hossin (2012) Kata Ganda dalam Dialek Melayu Sarawak. In: Pemantapan dan Pembinaan : Ilmu Linguistik berasaskan Korpus. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Fauzan, Norsiah and Suffian, Muhd and Osman, Razali (2009) Keberkesanan Neurofeedback Training Di Kalangan Penagih Dadah Di Malaysia'. In: Wacana PROFES, Bil.9. PROFES.

Norhazlina Fairuz, Musa Kutty (2008) Kedinamikan campur tangan kemanusiaan di abad ke-21. [Working Paper]

Fiasal S., Hazis (2011) Kelas menengah, UMNO dan intelegensia : tentangan dominasi politik bumiputera Islam di Sarawak. [Working Paper]

Mohd Ridwan, Abd Rahman and Mohd Tajuddin, Abdullah (2011) Kelawar batu kapur Niah terancam. Dewan Kosmik. pp. 42-43.

Facultyof Cognitive Sciences &, Human Development (2013) Kempen Work-Life Balance di FSKPM, Ogos 2013. [Picture] (Unpublished)

Ramli, Nurul Jannah (2010) Kepelbagaian kaum dalam kumpulan kecil semasa menyiapkan tugasan berkumpulan yang terdiri daripada golongan pelajar. [Final Year Project Report]

Ibrahim, Abdul Hamediee (2004) Keperluan employee assistance program (EAP) di Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). [Final Year Project Report]

Ho, Khee Fatt (1997) Kepuasan kerja dan faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi proses berkesatuan-sekerja : suatu peninjauan di kawasan perindustrian Pending. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Hussin, Hussaini (1998) Kepuasan kerja di kalangan guru sekolah rendah :kajian kes di SRK Tabuan dan SRK Encik Buyong Kuching, Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Fauziah, Ariyon (2004) Kerja berpasukan berdasarkan team player survey (PTPS) :satu kajian di dua buah organisasi pengeluaran elektronik di Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak (2011) Kertas Soalan Peperiksaan Akhir : Fakulti Sains Kognitif Dan Pembangunan Manusia / Universiti Malaysia Sarwak. [Teaching Resource]

Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak (2011) Kertas Soalan Peperiksaan Akhir : Fakulti Sains Kognitif Dan Pembangunan Manusia / Universiti Malaysia Sarwak. [Teaching Resource]

Fakulti, Sains Sosial (2011) Kertas soalan peperiksaan akhir semester 2 sesi 2005/2006 : Fakulti Sains Sosial / Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. [Teaching Resource]

Hadizah, Dol (1999) Kesan automasi sistem maklumat pejabat ke atas kualiti kerja pekerja pemprosesan data :kajian di Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Bandong, Zatur Junaida (2004) Kesan penggunaan latihan metakognitif dalam menyelesaikan masalah pembelajaran matematik di sekolah rendah :satu kajian kes. [Final Year Project Report]

Chong, Li Choo (2003) Kesedaran dan penglibatan penduduk di dua kawasan perumahan di bandar Miri terhadap projek kitar semula sejajar dengan perlaksanaan projek perintis local agenda 21 di Malaysia. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Haili, Bidari (2003) Kesedaran staff Akademik Unimas terhadap sistem taksiran sendiri cukai pendapatan individu. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Ismail, Faridah (2004) Keselarasan antara pola personaliti dan persekitaran dengan kerjaya :satu kajian di kalangan pelajar-pelajar kaunseling Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). [Final Year Project Report]

Faisal S., Hazis (2010) Kesinambungan politik lama dan tentangan politik baru : politik melayu Sarawak dalam pilihan raya umum ke-12. [Working Paper]

Bettie, Marthya Lina (2011) Knowledge sharing practices amongst employees in an excellent organization. [Final Year Project Report]

Carlo, Dolly Paul (2007) Komunikasi dan interaksi antara sekolah dan rumah : peranan guru dan ibu bapa. [Working Paper]

Norazman, Arbin and Nor’ain, Mohd. Tajudin and Nur Fazliana, Rahim (2011) Kualiti Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Guru Matematik Sekolah Menengah. In: Simposium Kebangsaan Sains Matematik (SKSM 19), UiTM Pulau Pinang, 9-11 November 2011, UITM Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished)

Jusoh, Ismail and Kamdem, D. Pascal (2001) Laboratory Evaluation of Natural Decay Resistance and Efficacy of CCA-Treated Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis Muel!. Arg.). Holzforschung 55 (2001) 250-254.

Norahim, Norazuna (2014) Language Endangement and Vitality of the Bidayuh Language. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Norahim, Norazuna (2014) Language choice of Bidayuh graduates in Kuching-Samarahan Division. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Norahim, Norazuna and Wan Kahar, Sharifah Aishah and Hassan, Salbia (2010) Language choice patterns of multilingual speakers in Sebuyau. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Ernest Cyril , de Run and Fah, Chin Sien (2006) Language use in packaging : the reaction of Malay and Chinese consumers in Malaysia. Sunway Academic Journal 3, 133–145 (2006), 3. pp. 133-145.

Mersat, Neilson Ilan and Noor'ain, Aini (2009) Lanskap politik Sarawak Pasca-Pru12 : Plus Ca Change. [Working Paper]

Zaaba, Zainol Abidin and Mohd Tajuddin, Abdullah and Mustafa, Abdul Rahman and Ebil, Yusif (2001) Large mammal in perninsular Malaysia. Holzforschung 55 (2001) 250-254.

Rahim, S.A.K.A and Li, J.Y. and Kitamura, Hitoshi (2004) Larval metamorphosis of the sea urchins, Pseudocentrotus depressus and Anthocidaris crassispina in response to microbial films. Marine Biology (2004) 144 : 71-78.

Facultyof Cognitive Sciences &, Human Development (2013) Lawatan Penanda Aras Guru Bimbingan Dan Kaunseling Sekolah Menengah Negeri Perlis 2013 ke Jabatan Kaunseling, FSKPM, 23 Ogos 2013. [Picture] (Unpublished)

Lo, May-Chiun and T., Ramayah and Ernest Cyril , de Run (2009) Leader-member exchange, gender, and influence tactics. A test on multinational companies in Malaysia. Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 7, Issue 1 (2009), 7 (1).

Samuel, Augustine (2002) Learner collaboration :an evaluation of an online conferencing. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Shaik Hussain, S. A. (2013) Learning Through Examining the Tourist Experience. International Journal of Education and Research, 2 (2). ISSN 201-6740 (online)

Hashim, Mohd Hafizan (2009) Learning science in English : voice of rural and urban first batch students. [Final Year Project Report]

Mustafa, Rosnah and Pung, Wun Chiew and Rinong , Faridah (2009) Learning style preferences among form 4 Male and female arts students in two urban Schools. The English Teacher, XXXVII. pp. 122-132.

Sempurai, Georffery Steven (2005) Learning styles of in - service teacher trainees. [Final Year Project Report]

Mah, Florence Sau-Fong and Ting, Su Hie (2014) Learning to cite authority to develop arguments in academic discussions. [Working Paper] (Submitted)

Yeo, Jiin Yih (2007) Linguistic analysis of spoken discourse in educational consultation sessions. [Final Year Project Report]

Kee, Man Chuah and Chee , Siong Teh (2008) Linking Emotions and Ergonomics : The Case of Spectacle Design for Teenagers. In: Fifth International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics. (Unpublished)

Mohd Tajuddin, Abdullah (2013) List of 361 Species of Mammals in Malaysia. [Document] (Unpublished)

Maidin, Aini Fadhlin (2009) Lite : a voice enable restaurant menu. [Final Year Project Report]

Mohd, Ikhwanuddin and M.N., Azra, and Y.Y, Sung and A.B., Abol-Munafi and Shabdin, M.L. (2012) Live foods for Juveniles’ production of Blue Swimming Crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1766). Journal of Fisheries andAquatic Science 7 (4) : 266-278, 2012.

Ling Teck, Yee and Kheirulnizam, Abdul Rahim and Lee, Nyanti (2008) Loading of Solids and Nutrients from Prawn Pond Sludge under simulated rain. In: Paper presented at Procceedings of the 10th MSAB Symposium, Kuching 2008.

Facultyof Cognitive Sciences &, Human Development (2013) MAP Bersama Fakulti Ambilan Febuari Sesi 2012-2013, 15 Februari 2013MAP Bersama Fakulti Ambilan Febuari Sesi 2012-2013, 15 Februari 2013. [Picture] (Unpublished)

Voon,, Jan Na (2011) Macroeconomic determinants of economic growth in Indochina countries : a panel analysis. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Shabdin, M.L. (2010) Macrofauna of Rajang River, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Journal Of Tropical Biology And Conservation 7 : 11 – 30, 2010.

Mohd Long, Shabdin and Fatimah, Abang and Khairul Adha, A.Rahim (2002) The Macroinvertebrate Community Of The Fast Flowing Rivers In The Crocker Range National Park Sabah, Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Facultyof Cognitive Sciences &, Human Development (2012) Majlis Meraikan Graduan FSKPM Sempena Konvokesyen UNIMAS ke-16. [Picture] (Unpublished)

Howell, Eric K. and Duplechin, Ryan M. and Larsen, Peter A. and Hanson, J. Delton and Anwarali, F. A. and Larsen, Roxanne J. and Chambers, Ryan R and Bradley, Robert D. (2009) Mammal Records from Briscoe, Dickens, Hall, and Motley Counties, Texas. Museum of Texas Tech University Number 288 xx June 2009.

Abdul Halim, Ali and Abdul Rashid, Abdullah and Ahmad Nizar, Yaakub and Awang Mashabi, Awang Mohamad and Mohd Faisal Syam, Abdol Hazis and Mohamad Suhaili, Salleh and Zamri, Hassan and Ting, Su Hie (2007) Market expansion, role of the state, and the coastal malay communities of south-western Sarawak. Research Update.

Kundang, Gudin and Chai, Hong Lan and Mariam Jamilah, Abdullah and Aminah, Jamain (2002) Marks grading system for secondary school. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Ramlah, Zainudin and Mustafa, Abdul Rahman and Badrul Munir, Md Zain and M.N, Shukor and R.F., Inger and Norhayati, Ahmad (2010) Mating calls description of five species of frogs from the genus Hylarana Tschudi 1838 ( Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae) from Sarawak, Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana 39 (3)(2010) : 363-369.

Egay, Kelvin (2007) Matter of access, not rights : Indigenous peoples, external institutions and their squabbles in mid-tinjar river, Sarawak. [Working Paper]

Chai, WWS and Teo, DCL and Ng, CK (2013) Mechanical properties of concrete produced from waste oil palm shell (OPS) coated with PolyVinyl Alcohol (PVA) as aggregates. In: Sustainable Engineering Society Conference.

Mohd-Nor, Rohaya (2011) Medical Imaging Trends and Implementation : Issues and Challenges for Developing Countries. Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries, 5 (1). pp. 89-98.

Nordin, Fatimahtul Zaharah (2003) Mengenal pasti faktor yang mempengaruhi perancangan kerjaya. [Final Year Project Report]

Mamat, Ibrahim and Hassan, Zaiton and Hassan, Zamri and Husin, Sabasiah (2002) Menjejaki siswazah UNIMAS : Kajian pengesanan. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

Fauzan, Norsiah (2004) Metacognition in 9 year old: 'The way I did in 'Double trouble', understanding the meaning and put them in your mind'. In: Wacana PROFES, Bil. 4. PROFES.

Ngo, Ker Nee (2005) Methodist centre management system. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Lim, PC and Wang, YC and Kulathuramaiyer, N (2007) Middleware platform for customizable vehicle reconfiguration. In: Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2007 IEEE International Conference..

Kebing, Harris (2001) Migrasi desa ke bandar : suatu tinjauan ke atas pengalaman masyarakat kelabit di Bario. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Chai, Elena Gregoria Chin Fern (2007) Mind your age : Why Hakka women marry young? [Working Paper]

Facultyof Cognitive Sciences &, Human Development (2013) Minggu Aluan Pelajar Bersama Fakulti – Ambilan September Sesi 2012/2013. [Picture] (Unpublished)

Yuzine, Esa and Siti Shapor, Siraj and Siti Khalijah, Daud and Khairul Adha, A. Rahim and M.T, Abdullah and Jeffrine Rovie, Ryan Japning and Soon Guan, Tan (2004) Mitochondrial DNA Diversity of Tor douronensis Valenciennes (Cyprinidae) in Malaysian Borneo. PertanikaJ. Trap. Agric. Sci. 29 (l & 2): 47-55 (2006).

Ho, Lynn Zi Wei (2010) A Mobile Fast Food Menu System : A Flash Lite Application. [Final Year Project Report]

Pui, Chen Yung (2006) Mobile IP implementation and testing. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Gan, Khu Ee (2006) Mobile food ordering systems for restaurant. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Teo, Tzong Ren (2010) Mobile phone augmented reality business card. [Final Year Project Report]

Ahmad, Rusli (2010) Model Pemporsesan Maklumat Kognitif dan Pembuatan Keputusan : Teori dan Amalan dalam sistem Penilaian Prestasi Pekerja Sektor Awam di Malaysia. [Working Paper]

Ling, Teck Yee and Kasing, A. and Rudy, H. J. (2014) Modeling the decay of Escherichia Coli in different soils. In: Paper presented at 25th Malaysian Microbiology Symposium and 5th UNESCO National Workshop for the promotion of Microbiology in Malaysia. (Submitted)

Ling, Teck Yee and Bengtson, R. L. and Drapcho, C.M. and Achberger, E.C. and Sabbagh, G.J. and Jackson, J. (2005) Modelling Escherichia Coli density on land and concentration in surface runoff. In: Paper presented at Proc. Soil Sci. Conf. Malaysia 2005. 12-13 April 2005. Sg. Petani, Kedah. MSSS. Teh et al. (Eds.).

Ling, Teck Yee and Kasing, A. and Leong, N.T. (2004) Modelling the survival of an Escherichia Coli in Soil. In: Paper presented at Proc. Soils2004 Conference. April, 2004. Penang, Malaysia. Malaysian Society of Soil Science (MSSS). (Unpublished)

Majlis Kokurikulum Universiti- Universiti, Malaysia (2012) Modul Kejurulatihan Kursus Kokurikulum Berkredit : Teras Daya Usaha dan Inovasi. Majlis Kokurikulum Universiti- Universiti Malaysia ( UniCC).

Majlis kokurikulum Universiti-Universiti, Malaysia (UniCC) (2012) Modul Kejurulatihan Kursus Kokurikulum Berkredit : Teras Pengucapan Awam. Majlis Kokurikulum Universiti-Universiti Malaysia ( UniCC), JAbatan Pengajian TInggi Malaysia.

Esa, Yuzine (2008) Molecular Systematics of Mahseers (Cyprinidae) in Malaysia Inferred from Sequencing of a Mitochondrial Cytochrome C Oxidase I (COI) Gene. Pertanika J. Trop. argic. Sci. 31(2):263-269 (2008).

Mohamad, Samsur and Isa, Fadhilah (2012) Morphology and Stomach Content Analysis of Green Rough-Backed Pufferfish, Lagocephalus lunaris from Kuching, Sarawak. In: The 12th Symposium of the Malaysian Society of Applied Biology 2012 Applied Biology: Solutions to Global Challenges and Issues.

Sazali, Siti Nurlydia and Laman, Charlie J. and Abdullah, M.T (2012) Morphometrical Variations of Malaysian Hipposideros Species. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 6(1): 47-57 (2012).

Teoh, Lip Ki (2010) Motion game : wipe out the bubbles. [Final Year Project Report]

Mohd., Ikhwanuddin and A. H, Nurfaseha and A.B., Abol-Munafi and M. L., Shabdin (2012) Movement patterns of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus in the Sarawak coastal water, South China Sea. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, Volume 7 Number 1, June 2012 : 1-8.

Mohd Z.M., Zaki and Dayang N.A., Jawawi and Norazian M., Hamdan and Shahliza, Abd. Halim and Rosbi, Mamat and Fairuz S., Mahat and Nur Atirah, Omar (2013) Multi-Criteria Architecture Style Selection for Precision Farming Software Product Lines Using Fuzzy AHP. International Journal Advance Soft Computer Applied, 5 (3). ISSN 2074-8523

Fiona Christy, Anthony Oswin (2007) My mother's or my own?case studies on selected mothers' experiences on received perenting style and its influences on their present parenting. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Ahmad Nizar, Yaakub (2010) Nationalism : the issue of territorial disputes between Malaysia and Indonesia in the celebes sea. [Working Paper]

Muhamad Ikhwan, Idris and Fatimah, Abang (2011) New Distributional Record of Hypochrosis cryptopyrrhata Walker, 1862 (Geometridae: Ennominae) from Peninsular Malaysia. Tropical Natural History., 11 (1). pp. 71-73.

May-Chiun , Lo and Ramayah, T. and Ernest Cyril , de Run and Voon , Mung Ling (2009) “New Leadership”,Leader- Member Exchange and commitment to change : The case of Higer Education in Malaysia. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, (53).

Ipor, I.B. and Tawan, C.S and Jacobsen, N. (2005) A New Species of Cryptocoryne (Araceae) from Borneo. [Working Paper]

Mohd Kamal, Khairil Annuar (2012) New Theory of Malaysian Corporatism – A Prologue for a ‘Different’ Methodology. [Working Paper]

Mohd Kamal, Khairil Annuar (2012) A New and Postmodern Theory of Malaysian Corporatism? Preliminary Conceptual and Theoretical Outline. [Working Paper]

Siti Nurlydia, Sazali and Faisal Ali, Anwarali and Ketol, Besar and Wahap, Marni and Mohd Tajuddin, Abdullah (2011) New distribution record of the Ashy Roundleaf Bat Hipposideros cineraceus Blyth 1853 in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo : Conservation implications. Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation 8 : 83-88, 2011.

Hassan, Zamri (2011) “New relationships? Not so much”: relationships maintenance strategies among caregivers of people living with HIV/AIDS. [Working Paper]

I., Nurul Faziha and Jusoh, Ismail and Hamdan, Sinin (2008) Non-Destructive Evaluation Of Selected Plantation Species. In: National Conference on Forest Products 2008 : 142-153.

Oei, Hong Lim and Hew, Cheng Sim (2007) Non-marriage in Kuching : a study of never-married women and men. [Working Paper]

Siti Halida, Ahmad and Nordiana, Rajaee and Sharifah Masniah, Wan Masra and Norhuzaimin, Julai and Rohana, Sapawi and Siti Kudnie, Sahari (2005) Nonlinear filtering for impulsive noise reduction. (Unpublished)

Raslie, Humaira and Jamaluddin, Sharizan (2013) Not a shirt on my back, not a penny to my name”: an insight on the english language literacy of street adolescents and pedagogical practices of an alternative school. Issues in Language Studies, 2 (2). pp. 40-52. ISSN 2180-2726

Isham, Azhar and Mohd Ridwan, A.R. and Licia, Ho and Millawati, Gani and Sarina, Mat Yasin and M.T, Abdullah (2013) A Note on Bats from Camp 5, Mulu World Heritage Area, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Malayan Nature Journal, 64 (4). pp. 169-184.

Hossin, M. and Sulaiman, M.N and Mustapha, A. and Mustapha , N. (2011) A Novel Performance Metric for Building an Optimized Classifier. Journal of Computer Science 7 (4) : 582-590, 2011, 7 (4). pp. 582-590.

Hossin, M. and Sulaiman, M.N and Mustapha, A. and Rahmat , R.W (2011) OAERP : A Better Measure than Accuracy in Discriminating a Better Solution for Stochastic Classification Training. Journal of Artificial Intelligence 4 (3) : 187-196, 2011, 4 (3). pp. 187-196.

Mohd Din, Monaliza and Samsur, Mohamad (2010) Occurrence of Tetrodotoxin in Marine and Brackish Puffer Fish from East Malaysian Waters. Monograph Aquatic Science Colloqium 2010.

Seladurai, Gayathri and Lang, Teresa and Jaul, Anna Theresa (2003) Online assessment for smart learning. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Goh, Soon Kheak and Heah, Kooi Huang and Ong, Mee Mee (2002) Online reservation express bus ticket system VIS interactive map. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Yek, Yin Peng (2006) Optical mark reader. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Mhd, Ikhwanuddin and Mohamad N., Azra and Mir A.D., Talpur and Ambok B., Abol-Munafi and Mohammad L., Shabdin (2012) Optimal Water Temperature and Salinity for Production of Blue Swimming Crab, Portunus pelagicus 1st Day Juvenile Crab. International Journal of the Bioflux Society, Volume 5 Issue 1.

Suh, Cem Pang and Yen , Yuen Tay and Suk , Fun Chin (2005) Optimization of Electrochemical properties of Nano particulate manganese oxide thin films. In: Materials Research Society (MRS) meeting, 28 Novemnber - 02 December 2005, USA.

Zainudin, Ramlah and Augustine Gawin, Dency Flenny (2011) Optimization of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) of Mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase I (COI) Gene in Two Bornean Fanged Frogs. Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 19 (1): 57 – 66 (2011).

Siew, Woei Ling and May , Chan Yuen and Kee, Man Chuah (2012) Optimizing Multimedia Learning Objects for Learning in a Procedural-based Course. In: 2012 International Conference on Management and Education Innovation IPEDR vol.37 (2012). (Unpublished)

Baer, Adela and Endicot, Karen and Gianno, Rosemary and Howell, Signe and Nowak, Barbara S. and van der Sluys, Cornelia (2006) Orang Asli women of Malaysia : perceptions, situations & aspirations. In: "People on the move: Rural -urban interactions in Sarawak. Subang Jaya, Malaysia : Center for Orang Asli Concerns, 2006.. (Unpublished)

The Borneo Post (2006) Over 70 join Unimas' Faculty of Economics and Business. [Newspaper Cutting]

Chuah, Heng Kiu (2007) Parents' experiences in raising children with autism : a case study in Kuching. [Final Year Project Report]

Ng,, Gek Keun (2004) Participation in network marketing companies :the motivational factors that influence the part-time distributors in Kuching, Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Ahmed, Waseem and Tazuddin, Adrus Mohamad and Wong, Ming Ming and Liaw, Tzy Renn and Myers, Douglas (2007) Partitioning for a Concept-Based SoC Design to Address Product Evolution. In: International Conference on intelligent and Advanced System. (Unpublished)

Berita Harian (2012) Pelajar UNIMAS hadiri Karnival Kerjaya Tabung Haji. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Hiew, Lan Foon (2003) Pembangunan Bandar Sri Aman dari tahun 1980-2000 serta pandangan penduduk terhadap pembangunan bandar Sri Aman. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Mustafa, Rujhan (2009) Pembangunan Ekonomi Intergrasi Asia Timur. Kota Samarahan, Sarawak Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. ISBN 9789839257779

Suhana, Semawi (2003) Pembentukan dasar luar Amerika Syarikat. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Ismail, Azman and Abu Bakar, Rizal and Ahmad, Rusli and Mad Junoh, Adanan and Hasbullah, Kamsiah (2006) Pemindahan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan kebolehan mempengaruhi kesan amalan komunikasi antara mentor dan mente : satu kajian di sebuah Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam di Malaysia Timur. In: Jurnal Kemanusiaan, Bil. 7, June 2006. Fakulti Pengurusan Dan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Mohammad Syuhaimi, Ab-Rahman and Noor Azie Azura, Mohd Arif and Sahbudin, Shaari (2010) Pencirian Ruang Jalur Fotonik Nanorod Silikon. Sains Malaysiana, 39 (3). pp. 453-457.

Amalia, Madihie and Tan, Hua Khim and Rosliza, Ahmad and Norzaliza, Alis (2011) Pendekatan Kaunseling mengikut Pendekatan Psikologi Kognitif Ad-Din dalam Modul Latihan Dalam Kumpulan: Kerja Lapangan bersama dengan Anak Yatim. In: Seminar Psikologi Malaysia 2011.

Rahman, Haneza (2006) Pendekatan sokongan keluarga (Family support approach) : satu kajian kes terhadap pesakit skizophrenia (Schizophrenic). [Final Year Project Report]

Salleh, Fakruridza (2000) Penentuan spesifikasi rekabentuk untuk persekitaran maya pelbagai pengguna. [Final Year Project Report]

Jusoh, Ismail and Kamdem, D. Pascal (2000) Penetration And Retention Rubberwood (Hevea Brasluensis) Of CCA In Rubberwood (Hevea Brasluensis). Journal of Tropical Forest Products 6( 1): 77-84 (2000).

Saad, Siti Zuraida (2009) Pengalaman ibu mempunyai anak yang menghidap sindrom down. [Final Year Project Report]

Zuraidah, Abdul Rahman and Zaiton, Hassan and Masniah, Marzuki and Jamayah, Saili and Sabasiah, Husin and Abdul Halim, Busari and Salman, Mohd. Yusof (2004) Pengenalan MENTORING Di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi. IBS Buku Sdn. Bhd..

Omar, Maizuyah and Ishak, Mai Sum yati and Othman, Mohd. Razali (1998) Pengetahuan skematis kaunselor berpengalaman dan novis dalam konseptualisasi masalah : Implikasi terhadap program latihan kaunselor. In: In Proceedings of CSC '98 National Conference on Cognitive Science 28-29 September 1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Wan Sofiah, Meor Osman (2007) Penglibatan ibu bapa dalam pendidikan anak-anak kaum Penan : Kajian kes di Hilir Tinjar, Baram, Sarawak. [Working Paper]

Surena, Sabil and Zaimuariffudin Shukri, Nordin and Jamayah, Saili and Abdul Halim, Busari (2003) Pengurusan Kualiti : Bagaimana Islam Menilainya. In: Proceedings of HRDC organised by FCHD, UNIMAS, 2003. (Unpublished)

Mamat, Ibrahim and Hassan, Zaiton (2008) Pengurusan Sumber Manusia : Perspektif Modal Insan. Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka.

Ahmad, Rusli and Shamsuddin, Shamsiyati , eds. (2011) Pengurusan dan penilaian prestasi pekerja. RS Publishing.

Mustafa, Rujhan (2005) Penilaian ke atas strategi ekonomi China dan kesannya ke atas ASEAN. In: International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), 20-25 August 2005, Shanghai China.

Ruslan, Siti Fatin Farhana (2009) Penyalahgunaan dadah dalam kalangan remaja. [Final Year Project Report]

Niru, Kevin (2005) Peranan jurulatih dan keberkesanan program latihan di satu agensi kerajaan di Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Mohd Nazim, Jambli and A.M., Farha Anati and Halikul, Lenando and Johari, Abdullah and M.S, Sinarwati (2013) Performance Evaluation of CTP Routing Protocol for Mobile Wireless Sensor Network. pp. 1-5.

Ahmad, Rusli (2004) Performance appraisal decision in Malaysian Public Service. In: The International Journal of Public Sector Management, vol.17 no. 1, 2004. Emerald.

Khim Sen, Liew and Shitana, Mahnendran (2002) The Performance of AICC As Order Determination Criterion in ARMA time series models. Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol, 10 (1). pp. 25-33.

Ismail, Azman and Otek, Suaidi and Maja, Anna and Fauzan, Norsiah (2009) Perhubungan Di Antara Ciri-Ciri Program Mentoring Dan Program Pembangunan Pelajar : Adakah Pemindahan Latihan Bertindak Sebagai Moderator? In: PROFES. Wacana PROFES, Bil. 9.

Yee, Pui Leng (2005) Perkaitan antara faktor-faktor keluarga dengan aktiviti-aktiviti bimbingan dan kaunseling terhadap pencapaian akademik pelajar :satu kajian kes. [Final Year Project Report]

Belahang, Avun (2005) Perkaitan di antara latihan keselamatan dengan kadar pengurangan kemalangan di tempat kerja. [Final Year Project Report]

Kunchui Uli, Emilda Piar (2004) Perkaitan faktor-faktor pampasan bukan bentuk kewangan terhadap motivasi kerja. [Final Year Project Report]

Berita Harian (2012) Perkasa strategi raih kejayaan. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Berita Harian (2012) Persatuan wanita UNIMAS bagi duit raya RM24000. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Sadiron, Nazira (2004) Persepsi kaunselor dan klien terhadap pendedahan kendiri di dalam sesi kaunseling. [Final Year Project Report]

Sullang, Pauline Lydia (2004) Persepsi kaunselor dan klien terhadap pendedahan kendiri kaunselor dalam sesi kaunseling. [Final Year Project Report]

Mohammad Roose, Aina Razlin (2004) Persepsi kaunselor pelatih terhadap pendedahan kendiri kaunselor dalam sesi kaunseling. [Final Year Project Report]

Fan, Fiona (2002) Persepsi kerjaya prasiswazah tahun akhir di Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Jepon, Ibrahim Hermanto (2005) Persepsi lepasan pelatih terhadap keberkesanan latihan kemahiran bersepadu. [Final Year Project Report]

Hoh, Hoong Koan (1998) Persepsi pekerja bukan pengurusan terhadap keberkesanan sistem pembangunan kerjaya di Hotel Hilton Kuching. [Final Year Project Report]

Tsan, Pui Lian (2004) Persepsi pekerja sokongan terhadap keperluan mentoring. [Final Year Project Report]

Talip, Feizlina (2005) Persepsi pekerja terhadap keberkesanan sistem penilaian latihan :satu kajian di MLNG sdn. bhd, Bintulu, Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Gilbert, Fredoline (1997) Persepsi pekerja terhadap organisasi sebagai organisasi pembelajaran :satu kajian di sebuah perbadanan kerajaan. [Final Year Project Report]

Jingkau, Harry (2001) Persepsi pekerja terhadap pembangunan kerjaya :satu kajian di Malaysia Airport Sendirian Berhad, Kuching, Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Ngelai, Edward (1998) Persepsi pelajar terhadap kompetensi pensyarah dalam pengajaran :satu kajian di Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Engkamat, Eshantee (2005) Persepsi pembimbing rakan siswa terhadap kemahiran menolong dalam menangani tekanan akademik di kalangan pelajar :satu tinjauan di Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Wahid, Noraida (2005) Persepsi pengurus pertengahan terhadap faktor-faktor yang menyumbang kepada amalan kerja berkualiti. [Final Year Project Report]

Bong, Joon Ai (2003) Persepsi pensyarah dan pelajar terhadap "E-Learning system" di Unimas. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Ramli, Hasanah (2002) Persepsi perkerja terhadap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pembentukan pekerja berilmu. [Final Year Project Report]

Ngu,, Betty Cheh Ing (2003) Pertubuhan dan penggunaan laman web perniagaan di Malaysia. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Yahya, Nurizan and Sabil, Surena (1998) Perubahan struktur dan fungsi rumah Melayu di Kuching, Sarawak. The Sarawak Museum Journal, (1998) Vol. 1,111 No. 74.

Wan Azizi, Wan Ayunni Nadiah (2011) Phylogenetic Relationships Among Several Families Of Catfish Using Cytochrome Oxidase 1 Mitochondrial DNA Gene. [Final Year Project Report]

Kho, Andy, Han Guan and Esa, Yuzine and Sallehin, Awang Ahmad and Ryan, Jeffrine Rovie and Julaihi, Ahmad Mashur and Kumaran, Jayaraj Vijaya and Abdullah, M.T (2006) Phylogenetic Relationships of Fruit Bats (Family: Pteropodidae) in Malaysia Inferred from partial mtDNA Cytochrome b gene. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Natural Resources Engineering & Technology 2006 24-25th July 2006 ; Putrajaya, Malaysia, 77-97.

Ryan, Jeffrine Rovie (2006) Phylogenetic analysis of Hampala fishes (subfamily cyprininae) in Malaysia inferred from partial mitochondrial cytochrome b DNA sequences. Zoological Science 23:893-901 (2006).

Badrul Munir, Md Zain and S.J., Lee and Maklarin, Lakim and Ampeng, A. and Mahani, M.C. (2012) Phylogenetic position of Tarsius bancanus based on partial Cytochrome b DNA Sequences. Journal of Biological Sciences 10 (4) : 348-354, 2012.

Nakano, Takafumi and Zainudin, Ramlah and Hikida, Tsutomu (2011) Phylogenetic position of gastrostomobdellid leeches (Hirudinida, Arhynchobdellida, Erpobdelliformes) and a new family for the genus Orobdella. Zoologica Scripta ª 2011 The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, 41, 2, March 2012, pp 177–185.

M.K.A., Rosli and S.S., Zakaria and S.M.F., Syed-Shabthar and Z.Z., Zainal and M.N., Shukor and M.C., Mahani and O., Abas-Mazni and B.M., Md-Zain (2011) Phylogenetic relationships of Malayan gaur with other species of the genus Bos based on cytochrome b gene DNA sequences. Genetics and Molecular Research 10 (1): 482-493 (2011).

Md-Zain, B.M. and Mohamad, M. and Ernie-Muneerah, M.A. and Ampeng, A. and Jasmi, A. and Lakim, M. and Mahani, M.C. (2010) Phylogenetic relationships of Malaysian monkeys, Cercopithecidae, based on mitochondrial cytochrome c sequences. Genetics and Molecular Research 9 (4): 1987-1996 (2010).

Mohd Ridwan, Abd Rahman (2012) Phylogeography of Dusky Fruit Bat (Penthetor lucasi) in Malaysia: On species diversity, morphological and genetics perpectives. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbucken, Germany.. (Unpublished)

Ismail, Jusoh and Farawahida, A. Z (2007) Physical and mechanical properties of Acacia Mangium x Acacia Auriculiformis hybrid (acacia hybrid) and Acacia Mangium Superbulk planted in Sarawak. In: Conference on Forestry & Forest Products Research 2007 : 270-278.

Mohammad Syuhaimi, Ab-Rahman and Fazlinda, Ab-Aziz and Noor Azie Azura, Mohd Arif and Saiful Dzulkefly, Zan and Seri Mastura, Mustaza (2009) The Polishing of Cutting-Edge Polymer-on-Glass for Pigtailing Preparation. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. , 2 (1). pp. 127-132. ISSN 1941-7020

Mersat, Neilson Ilan (2008) Politik penaungan dan partisipasi politik peribumi Iban di Sarawak. [Working Paper]

Wahi, Abd Rashid and Hamdan, Musa and Wong, Sing King and Kopli, Bujang (2010) The Potential of Extended Aeration System for Sago Effluent Treatment. American Journal of Applied Sciences 7 (5): 616-619, 2010.

Kopli, Bujang (2011) Potential of Sago For Commercial Production Of Sugars. The 10th International Sago Symposium. Bogor, Indonesia. 29-30th October 2011.

May-Chiun, Lo and Osman, Intan (2008) Power Congruence approaches to downward influence in Malaysia manufacturing industry. International Journal of Business and management, Vol.3 No.11 2008, 3 (11).

Ernisa, Marzuki and Siti Maftuhah, Damio and Ting, Su Hie (2009) Pragmalinguistic Differences between Proficient and Less Proficient Malay Learners of English in Request. In: UPALS ICL 2009, An International Conference on Languages, "Rejuvenating the Passion for Teaching & Learning ofLanguages", 27-28 May 2009, Bayview Hotel, Georgetown. (Unpublished)

Janggu, U. and Bujang, K.B. (2009) Pre-Treatments Of Sago Fiber For Ethanol Fermentation. MyIPO Expo - National Intelectual Property Day Expo. 23-26 April 2009. Convention Centre, K.L..

Khalique, Muhammad and Md Isa, Abu Hassan and Nassir bin Shaari, Jamal Abdul (2013) Predicting the Impact of Intellectual Capital Management on the Performance of SMEs in Electronics Industry in Kuching, Sarawak. IUP Journal of Knowledge Management, 11 (4).

Jayaraj, V.K. and Laman, Charlie J. and Abdullah, M.T (2012) A Predictive Model to Differentiate the Fruit Bats Cynopterus brachyotis and C. cf. brachyotis Forest (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) from Malaysia Using Multivariate Analysis. Zoological Studies 51 (2): 259-271 (2012). pp. 259-271.

Hassan, Zaiton and Dollard, Maureen F. and Winefield, Anthony H. (2010) Predictors of Work-Family Conflict In Malaysia: A Longitudinal Study. In: The paper was presented at Asian Psychological Association (APSYA) Conference 2010, 4-7 July 2010, Darwin, Australia by Prof. Maureen Dollard..

Ng, Albert Jia Jun (2009) Prevalence of depressive symptoms and its correlation with self-esteem among primary school children in Kuching. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Daib, Lambros (2005) Problems faced by form four students in understanding short stories in the English literature component in semi - urban schools in the Kuching - Samarahan division. [Final Year Project Report]

Lewen, Tingai (2005) Problems faced by primary school teachers in teaching literature component :the short story. [Final Year Project Report]

Sarawak, Universiti Malaysia (2011) Proceedings National Human resource Development Conference HRDC2003 : preparing knowledge workers for nation building, 15-16 December 2003, The Hilton, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. In: Proceedings National Human resource Development Conference HRDC2003 : preparing knowledge workers for nation building, 15-16 December 2003, The Hilton, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 15-16 December 2003, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Rosziati, Ibrahim (2001) Proceedings of CITA'01 : The 2nd conference on information technology in Asia. In: Conference on Information Technology in Asia, 17-19 October 2001, Kuching, Sarawak.

Yoe , Alvin W. and Tan, Chong Eng and Wang , Yin Chai and Labadin, Jane (2007) Proceedings of CITA'07 : The fifth international conference on information technology in Asia 2007. In: The 5th International Conference on IT in Asia, July 09-12, 2007, Kuching, Sarawak.

Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak (2009) Proceedings of conference on Natural Resources in the Tropics ; 2007 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak :[proceeding] : development and commercialization of Tropical Natural Resources. In: Proceedings of conference on Natural Resources in the Tropics (2007 : Kota Samarahan, Sarawak).

Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak (2009) Proceedings of the 2nd biotechnology colloquium 14-15 April 2009. In: Proceedings of the 2nd biotechnology colloquium 14-15 April 2009.

Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak (2010) Proceedings of the 3rd biotechnology colloquium 24-25 May 2010. In: Proceedings of the 3rd biotechnology colloquium 24-25 May 2010..

UNSPECIFIED (2004) Proceedings the 1st postgraduate colloquium. In: The First Postgraduate Colloquium, October 6, 2004, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak. (Unpublished)

Faculty of Cognitive Sciences &, Human Development (2012) Program FSKPM Bersama Industri 2012, 13 Oktober 2012. [Picture] (Unpublished)

Faculty of Cognitive Sciences &, Human Development (2013) Program Motivasi Kecemerlangan UPSR 2013, 14 – 16 Jun 2013. [Picture] (Unpublished)

Jawatankuasa Mentor Mentee, FSKPM (2012) Program Pemupukan Jati Diri Pelajar Cemerlang. [Picture] (Unpublished)

Faculty of Cognitive Sciences &, Human Development (2012) Program UNIMAS Bersama Masyarakat, 10 November 2012. [Picture] (Unpublished)

Faculty of Cognitive Sciences &, Human Development (2013) Program bersama Fakulti FSKPM, Minggu Aluan Pelajar, September 2013. [Picture] (Unpublished)

Sanggin, Spencer Empading (2009) Program planning and development: Steps and conceptual approach. [Working Paper]

Rohanie, , B. (2010) Prosiding Simposium Persatuan Biologi Gunaan Malaysia Ke-11, 2010 “Keseimbangan Biologi Ke Arah Kelestarian Hayat” : Feasibility of Fungus Bioaugmentation in Sawdust Composting. In: Prosiding Simposium Persatuan Biologi Gunaan Malaysia Ke-11, 2010 .

Abas, Said (1999) The Prospects And Challenges Of Tourism Development In Sarawak. In: UNSPECIFIED.

The Borneo Post (2008) Proud couple watches daughter graduate at Unimas. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Chan, Kim Geok and Ling How, Kee and Khatijah Lim, Abdullah (2013) Quality of life among Malaysian mothers with a child with Down syndrome. International Jounral of Nursing practice, 19. pp. 381-389.

Ling, Teck Yee and Lee, Nyanti and Siew, Tuck-Fatt (2003) Quantifying Escherichia coli in household wastewater in Kuching, Sarawak. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Ling, Teck Yee and Lee, Nyanti and Siew, Tuck-Fatt (2002) Quantifying household wastewater pollutants in Kuching. In: Malaysian Chemical Congress 2002. (Unpublished)

Ling, Teck Yee and Lee, Nyanti and Siew, Tuck-Fatt (2005) Quantity and quality of household wastewater in Kuching, Sarawak. In: Paper presented at Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Environmental Management 2005, Kuching, Sarawak. (Unpublished)

Shapiee, Abd Rahman and Subhash, Bhalla and Hashimoto, Tetsuya (2005) Query-By-Object interface for information requirement elicitation in M-Commerce. In: The 4th International Conference on Mobile Business, 11-13 July 2005, Sydney, Australia.

Berita Harian (1999) R&D wajar utamakan pendekatan "31". [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Siti Aisyah Yahya and Rohanah Mohd Yasin@Bachok and Zaiton, Hassan and Siti Nor Analina, Othman and Mazlyen, Samah (2024) RAMADAN PUASA MENUJU TAQWA. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

Mohd Tajuddin, Abdullah and Fatimah, Abang (2008) Realization of Biodiversity Potentials Through Applied Biology. In: The 10th Symposium of the Malaysian Society of Applied Biology Realization of Biodiversity Potentials through Applied Biology. Merdeka Palace Hotel & Suites, Kuching, Sarawak, 6-8 November 2008..

Japri, Siti Eirie Afrinah and Lim, Sheilla Omar Lim and Heng, Chin Siong (2014) The Relationship Between Organizational Culture And Knowledge Sharing In Organization. In: Conference Proceeding. (Unpublished)

Rusli, Ahmad and Lydia, Paya and Ali, Baig and Nur Naha, Abu Mansor and Wan Khairuzzaman, Wan Ismail (2012) The Relationship between Selected Factors of Rating Dissatisfaction and Employees’ Satisfaction on the Appraisal Decisions. International Journal Of Innovation And Business Strategy, Vol. 01 ; December 2012.

May-Chiun , Lo and Ramayah, T. and Ernest Cyril , de Run (2014) Relationship between Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles and commitment to Change : The case of Higher Education in Malaysia. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

Hong, Hua Tima (2011) Relationship between compensation systems and job performance among employees. [Final Year Project Report]

Hong, Kian Sam and Songan, Peter and Gan, S.L. and Usop, Hasbee and Ngui,, Kwang Sing and Mustafa, Rujhan (2009) Relationships between Leadership Behaviours, University Culture and Leadership Effectiveness for Academic Work in Malaysian Public Universities. [Working Paper]

Hamidi, Hana (2005) Relationships between work - life balance factors and perceived employees' job performance. [Final Year Project Report]

Hong, Kian Sam and Tan, Kok Wah and Suraini, Bujang (2010) Relationships between work life quality of Teachers with work commitment, stress and satisfaction : a study in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Jurnal Teknologi, 52 Mei 2010 : 1–15.

Dizer, Fedellia Serawa and Azizah, Shah Bahrom (2002) Remote system manager 2001 (RESYSM2001). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Sie, Abby Chiang Yong (2005) Research allocation management system (REALMS). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Zafar U., Ahmed and Imad, Zbib and Sawaridass, Arokiasamy and T., Ramayah (2006) Resistance to change and ERP implementation success : The moderating role of change management initiatives. Asian Academy of Management Jounal, Vol. 11, No.2, 1-17, 11 (2). pp. 1-17.

Jerome, Collin (2012) Responding To Literary Texts Through Poetry Writing. Issues in Language Studies, 1 (2).

Wong, Sin Yeng (2013) Rheophytism in Bornean Schismatoglottideae (Araceae). Systematic Botany 38(1): 32-45. 2013.

Taskinsoy, John (2013) Rigorous Capital Requirements under Basel iii Possible Impact on Turkey’s Financial Sector. In: WEI International Academic Conference Proceedings, Antalya, Turkey, January 14-16, 2013 .

Abu Hassan, Md. Isa and Puah, Chin-Hong and Yong, Ying-Kiu (2009) Risk and return nexus in Malaysian stock market- Empirical evidence from CAPM. [Working Paper]

Berita Harian (1999) Rm3.9j untuk biayai kajian pemuliharaan sumber. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Muhd Sadique, M.K and Khan, R.U. and Weng, E.N. and Zaidi Adruce, S. A. (2011) The Road to the blend of Augmented Reality and Intellectual Capital : a Case of Data Management for Outdoor Mobile Augmented Reality. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Reseaarch in Business, 3 (8).

Hiew, Lee-Chea and Puah, Chin-Hong and Muzafar Shah, Habibullah (2013) The Role of Advertising Expenditure in Measuring Indonesia’s Money Demand Function. Forthcoming in : The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge.

Kiai, Kadam and Bye, Stanley (2007) Rubber and the modernisation of the Paku Iban in Betong division, Sarawak. [Working Paper]

Berita Harian (2012) SCORE mampu jana ekonomi. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Jusoh, Ismail and Kamdem, D. Pascal (2009) SEM-EDXA of CCA-treated Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis). [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

Hasnah, Mahasan (1997) Sambutan masyarakat terhadap orang kurang upaya : satu persepsi mereka sendiri di pusat pemulihan Samarahan. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

The Star (1999) Sarawak university achieves breakthrough in fertility research. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Berita Harian (2012) Saya mahu jadi menteri. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Lihan, S. and Choon, Y.K. and Hua, N.K. and Wasli , M.E. (2014) Screening For Antimicrobial Activity Of Fungi In Soil Samples Collected From Kubah National Park. International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research, 3 (2). ISSN 2277-8616

Man, Che Nin and Mohd Noor, Norjuliana and Gam, Lay Harn, and Lajis, Razak and Mohamad, Samsur (2010) Screening of tetrodotoxin in puffers using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1217 (2010) 7455–7459.

Esa, Farah Adibah and Harith, Mohd Nasarudin and Hassan, Ruhana (2012) Seaweed Halimeda spp. of Satang Island, Sarawak. [Working Paper]

Law, Jennifer (2005) Secure E - Medical record system. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Ling, Teck Yee and Murek, Cornellia and Lee, Nyanti (2009) Sediment oxygen demand of the Serin river. In: Paper presented at Proceedings 4th International Conference on Natural Resources & Environmental Management and Environmental Sofety & Health. 24-26 Nov. 2009, Kuching.. (Unpublished)

Fauzan, Norsiah (2008) Sejarah ringkas perkembangan Sosio- Ekonomi Bandar Sibu 1900 sehingga 1930. In: The Sarawak Museum Journal, vol. LXV, no. 86. Sarawak Museum.

Berita Harian (2012) Seks bebas, rokok punca kanser serviks. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Kueh, Jerome Swee Hui and Puah, Chin-Hong and Liew, Venus Khim-Sen (2010) Selected Macroeconomic Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Outflow of Singapore. [Working Paper]

Rasidah Abdul, Wahab and Zunika, Amit (2014) Self-evaluation of medical students on the elective research course. Education in Medicine Journal, 6 (1). e62-e65. ISSN 2180-1932

Centre for Academic, Information Services (2011) Seminar Kepustakawanan : Inovasi Kepustakawanan Ke Arah Kecemerlangan Kesarjanaan, 14-15 November 2011. In: Seminar Kepustakawanan : Inovasi Kepustakawanan Ke Arah Kecemerlangan Kesarjanaan, 14-15 November 2011. (Unpublished)

Siva, Thayaparan and Ian, Robertson and Fairuz, Amraan and Lela, Su’ut and Mohd Tajuddin, Abdullah (2013) Serological Prevalence of Leptospiral Infection in Wildlife in Sarawak, Malaysia. Borneo Journal Resource Science Technology, 2 (2). pp. 79-82.

Ernest Cyril , de Run and Kusyarnadi, Heriyadi (2008) Service recovery strategies in western based fast food restaurants : a structural equation model test. International Journal of Business and Society, Vol.9 No.2, 2008, 33-42, 9 (2). pp. 33-42.

Lee, Nyanti and Berundang, G. and Ling, T. Y. (2010) Short Term Treatment of Shrimp Aquaculture Wastewater using Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). World Applied Sciences Journal 8 (9): 1150-1156,2010, ISSN 1818-4952.

Ling, Teck Yee and Lydia, K.P.S. and Lee, Nyanti (2009) Shrimp (Peneaus Vannamei) pond sludge characteristics. In: Paper presented at Proceeding of the 3rd Regional Conference on Natural Resources in the Tropics (NRTrop3), 2009. (Unpublished)

Jamayah, Saili and Abdul Rahman, Saili (2012) Singlehood Phenomenon : Understanding Professional Malay Muslim Women Who Have Not Married. In: Paper presented at KONFERENSI ANTARABANGSA ISLAM BORNEO KE-5, 26 - 27 Jun 2012, Bridex Conference Hall, Brunei..

Sabarani, Hassan and Muzamil, Mustapha and Nayan, Yamin (2002) Sistem data maklumat kelas. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Luke Jerry, Erlinda (2004) Sistem olahan teks dengan menggunakan soalan terbuka. [Final Year Project Report]

Ahmad, Rusli (2007) Sistem penilaian prestasi sektor awam Di Malaysia : Pemikiran semula terhadap peranan dan tanggungjawab Pegawai penilai prestasi. In: Jurnal Pengurusan Awam Jilid 6, Bil 2. Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia.

Goh, Yee Chung and Choo, Cheng Wen and Jap, Pei Ye (2002) Smart Student Monitor (SSM). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Chuah, Kee-Man (2007) Social and cognitive collaborations in asynchronous online discussions :a comparative study between in-service and pre-service teachers. [Final Year Project Report]

Ramanair, Joseph and Khoo, Elaine Guat Lien and Palanisamy, Punithavathy (2006) Social constructivism in an online learning environment. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Norahim, Norazuna (2011) Sociolinguistic consequences of language contact between multilingual communities in Sarawak, East Malaysia, Borneo. In: 2nd Westminster Linguistics Conference Language–Contact–Change–Maintenance-and-Loss, 22 - 23 July, 2011. (Unpublished)

Cheah, Wai Shiang and Kulathuramaiyer, Narayanan and Seng, Wai Lok (2006) Software Agent Negotiation Development: An Experience Report. In: Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2006. ISDA'06.

Nurashikin, S. and Rusley, E. Z. and Husaini, A. (2013) Solid-State Bioconversion of Pineapple Residues into Kojic Acid by Aspergillus flavus: A Prospective Study. International Journal of Biological, Life Science and Engineering, 7 (8).

Sun, Albrert Keh Seng (2005) Song search tool. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

L., Eileen and Idris, Muhamad Ikhwan and Marni, Wahap and M., Mohamad Jalani and Abdullah, M.T (2012) Species diversity of small mammals in Lubuk Sembilang Recretional Park, Langkawi Island, Kedah. In: RIMBA 2 : Regional Suistanable Development in Malaysia and Australia. LESTARI, pp. 124-135.

Das, I. and van Dijk, Peter Paul (2013) Species richness and endemicity of the herpetofauna of South and Southeast Asia. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (29). pp. 269-277.

Jusoh, Ismail and Demise, M. and Ipor, I.B. and Tawan, C.S and Bulan, P. (2006) Stand Characteristics Of Loagan Bunut Peat Swamp Forests. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

Jamayah, Saili and Abdul Rahman, Saili and Anum Suhana, Abu Bakar (2004) Strategi Menangani Tekanan Di Kalangan Pekerja : Satu Tinjaun Di Jabatan Agama Islam Sarawak. In: Proceedings of the National Stress Conference , 2004, (pp. 100-111). Sabah: Gayawara Sdn Bhd. (Unpublished)

Azizah, Jamel and Fatwa Syazwani, Mohamad and Liza, Maten (2004) Student enrolment system for PTPL college. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Abdul Hafidz, Haji Johari (2005) Student mentoring system (SMS). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Talwar, Prashant (2008) Students' attitude and knowledge towards HIV : a factor analysis. [Working Paper]

Tey, Elaine Chui Lin (1998) Students' attitutes towards pair and group work in learning English as a second language. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Rossazana, Ab. Rahim and Rosita, Hamdan (2006) A Study On Competitiveness of Sarawak Manufacturing Industries. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

Nadarajan, Shanthi (2013) Study of science students’ expectation for university writing courses. Issues in Language Studies, 2 (1).

Sopian, Bujang and Chua, Kwang Chin and Ahmad Sofian, Shminan (2009) A Study of the Relationship Between Trainee Characteristics and Transfer of Training. In: Proceeding on the Advances in Global Business Research Conference. 6(1), 3304-313.

Abdul Mutalip, Abdullah and Phao, John and Haslina, Hashim (2007) Study on usage of neighbourhood open spaces in Kuching and effect on social interaction. Research Update.

Nwanesi, Peter Karubi and Seidelson, Lucy Selbi (2010) Studying women : perspective from the south. [Working Paper]

Ho, Ai Ping and Liew , Kelvin Peng Chuan (2014) Successful and unsuccessful language learning strategies of students. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

Mohamad Sharkawi, Abdul Aziz (2003) Sumbangan dan prospek sektor perindustrian dalam ekonomi Malaysia :perkembangan dan perbandingan industri makanan dengan industri perkilangan di Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Farhana, Ismail and Rossazana, Ab-Rahim and Nur-Zaimah, Ubaidillah (2013) Super-efficiency Performance of Malaysian Banking Industry. In: Proceedings of 3rd Global Accounting, Finance and Economics Conference, Rydges Melbourne, Australia, 5 - 7 May, 2013.

Lanying, Edina (2005) Survey on reading habits of students in the Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development 9FCSHD) in Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). [Final Year Project Report]

Then, Y.P. and Ling, Teck Yee and Kasing, A. (2004) Survival of Escherichia Coli in pig farm wastewater. In: Paper presented at 26th Symposium of the Malaysian Society for Microbiology, 25-28 November 2004.

Ling, Teck Yee and Kasing, A. and Mijen, A.L. (2002) Survival of an Escherichia coli in a Sarawak Soil. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 6 (Special Ed.): 43 -52, (2002), ISSN: 394 7990.

Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak (2012) Sustaining Tropical Natural Resource Through Innovations, Technologies & Practises, 19th-20th September 2012. In: The 4th Regional Conference on the Natural Resources in the Tropics, 2012 (NTrop 4).

Jun, Choi Lee and Mohamad Othman, Rosita and Mohamad , Nurul Zawiyah (2014) Syllable-based Malay Word Stemmer. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Johari, Amalina (2009) Syntactic transfer among form four malay students. [Final Year Project Report]

M.A., Salam and M.A., Affan and Fasihuddin B., Ahmad and Ismail, Jusoh and Mustaffa B., Shamsuddin and Bohari, Yamin and Farina, Yang (2012) Synthesis, spectral characterization and crystal structure of a noveltrinuclear di-n-butyltin(IV) complex with pyruvic acid-N(4)-cyclohexylthiosemicarbazone (H2PACT). Journal of Organometallic Chemistry Volume 696, Issue 26, 1 January 2012, Pages 4202–4206.

Mohamad, Abdul Rahman (2005) Tahap pengaplikasian kebolehan kepintaran emosi di kalangan pekerja operasi :satu kajian kes di Poliklinik Komuniti Bintulu, Bintulu. [Final Year Project Report]

Jabatan, Kaunseling and Fakulti Sains Kognitif dan, Pembangunan Manusia (2012) Talk : Application of Counseling in Mental Health Setting. [Picture] (Unpublished)

Linang, Edmund Robertson (2005) Teachers report on the use of pre - listening activities in activating students' prior knowledge in a Malaysian ESL classroom in Kuching. [Final Year Project Report]

Jandek, Herman (2003) Teachers' perceptions towards the use of english as the medium of instruction for science snd mathematics subjects :a survey with science and mathematics' teachers. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Goh, Chui King (2002) Teachers' use of technology in the teaching and learning of English language in urban and rural schools - a comparative survey. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Goh, , Poi Chiaw (2006) Teenagers' perspectives of advertisement effectiveness. [Working Paper]

May-Chiun , Lo and Ramayah, T. and Ernest Cyril , de Run (2010) Testing Multi-Dimensional nature of “New Leadership” in a non-western context : The case of Malaysia. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 14 (2).

Ramayah, T. and Ahmad, Noor hazlina and Lau , Guck Chin and May-Chiun , Lo (2009) Testing a Causal model of Internet Piracy behavior among University students. European Journal of Scientific research, vol. 29. No. 2 (2009), 29 (2).

Puah, Chin-Hong and Muzafar Shah, Habibullah and Lim, Kian−Ping (2006) Testing long-run neutrality of money: evidence from Malaysian stock market. [Working Paper]

Labadin, Jane and Walton, A.G (2004) Theory and computation of high reynolds number flow near ground corner at a tall building. In: The International Conferenceon Computational Methods, 15-17 December 2004, Singapore.

Fauzan, Norsiah (2010) Theory of mind deficit in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). PROFES.

Lee, Lucy Yun Chong and Puah, Chin-Hong and Abu Hassan, Md. Isa (2012) Theory of rational expectations hypothesis : banks and other financial institutions in Malaysia.

Hong, Chang Lim and Sing, Tung Teng and Chui, Pin Leaw and Po, Teen Lim (2013) Three novel species in the pseudo-nitzschia pseudodelicatissima complex : P. Batesiana sp. Nov., p. Lundholmiae sp. Nov., and p. Fukuyoi sp. Nov. (bacillariophyceae) from the strait of Malacca, Malaysia. Journal Phycological, 49, 902–916 (2013).

Tawan, C.S (2004) Thymelaeaceae. Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak, Vol. 5 (2004).

Norsiah, Fauzan and Chima, Musit and Helen, Alam and Regina, Stewart (2006) Tinjauan Masalah Peras Ugut di Kalangan Pelajar-pelajar Sekolah Menengah di Sekitar Bandaraya Kuching. In: Wacana PROFES, Bil. 6. PROFES.

Fauzan, Norsiah and Tahir, Jamilah and Chin, Jenny Alexious and Junior, Justin Lanak and Liew , Voon Hong (2008) Tinjauan Penubuhan Majlis Guru Di Sarawak bagi meningkatkan Profesionalisme Perguruan. In: Wacana PROFES, Bil. 8. PROFES.

Johari, Abdullah and Halikul, Lenando and Mohd Nazim, lambli (2013) Towards Achieving Intelligent Event Correlation for End-to-End Internet Performance Monitoring. In: IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS),.

Majit, Jasmina and Mohamad, Samsur and Hassan, Ruhana (2010) Toxicity Assessment of Cyanobacterial Strains Using Brine Shrimp and Mouse Bioassay. In: Proceedings of the 11th Symposium for the Malaysian Society of Applied Biology 2010 “Biological Balance Towards Life Sustainability”.

Othman, Bojo and Khairul Adha, A. Rahim and Samsur, Mohamad and M.L., Shabdin and Nyanti, Lee and Norhadi, Ismail and Po Teen, Lim (2014) Toxicity of the yellow puffer fish Xenopterus naritus from Sungai Saribas, Sarawak. [Magazine and Newsletter] (Submitted)

Hew, Cheng Sim and Talib, Rokiah (2011) Tra Zehnder: Iban woman patriot of Sarawak. In: Tra Zehnder: Iban woman patriot of Sarawak. Kota Samarahan : Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. (Unpublished)

Raja , Gill (2007) Trapped in time : blinkered by tempocentric thinking. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

Jusoh, Ismail and Rahman, Md. Masudur and Affan, Md. Abu and Hamdan, Sinin and Salam, Md. Abdus (2012) Treatability ofTropical Wood Using Newly Synthesized Organotin(IV) Complexes. Journal of Applied Sciences 12 (6): 535-543,2012, 12 (6). pp. 535-543.

Ling, Teck Yee and M. J., Diana (2009) Treatment of animal farm wastewater using Ipomoea Aquatica and Llmnocharis Flava. In: Paper presented at Proceedings 4th International Conference on Natural Resources and Environmental Management and Environmental Safety & Health. 24-26 Nov. 2009, Kuching.. (Unpublished)

Ling, Teck Yee and Kasing, Apun and Zainuddin, S. H. (2006) Treatment of domestic wastewater in Kuching City - ecological sanitation. In: International Conference on Environment 2006 (ICENF 2006) 13-15 November 2006, Penang Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Octavio, Carvajal-Zarrabal and Cirilo, Nolasco-Hipolito and Dulce, Barradas-Dermitz and Patricia M., Hayward-Jones and Guadalupe, Aguilar-Uscanga and Kopli, Bujang (2011) Treatment of vinasse from tequila production using polyglutamic acid. Journal of Environmental Management 95 (2012) S66-S70.

Ahmad, Rusli (2009) Tuntutan Bekerja Dengan Cemerlang. Konsep Dan Penghayatan. In: Al-Tadbir Jurnal Pusat Latihan Sarawak. Pusat Latihan Sarawak ( PLS).

Sarawak Tribune (2006) UNIMAS aims for THES ranking. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Berita Harian (2005) UNIMAS bukti kemampuan. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Mingguan Sarawak (2012) UNIMAS gah di mata masyarakat. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Mingguan Sarawak (1999) UNIMAS harus tumpukan kepada bidang IT. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Sunday Post (2012) UNIMAS launded for reaching out to community. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Fuang, Siew Yii (2001) UNIMAS online vacancy system. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Berita Harian (2012) UNIMAS peneraju penyelidikan biologi. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The People's Mirror (1998) UNIMAS produces second batch of graduates. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Berita Harian (2012) UNIMAS sasar jadi pengeluar daging rusa. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Bernama (2012) UNIMAS scientist receives award for knowlesi malaria research. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Berita Harian (2012) UNIMAS wajib pelajar mengundi. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Berita Harian (2012) UNIMAs pelawa bela rusa. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

News Straits Time (1998) Unimas introducing military studies next month. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Sarawak Tribune (1998) Unimas scientists close to identifying killer virus. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Berita Harian (1999) Unimas tanam pokok penawar Aids. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Berita Harian (2006) Unimas yakin disenarai sebagai uiniversiti terbaik dunia. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Nadarajan, Shanthi (2007) The Use of Repetitive Structures among Malaysians. The International Journal of Language Society and Culture.

Chong, Ina Ching Phin (2003) Using dramatic activities in teaching language forms and functions for form 4. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Kunek, Andrew (2002) Using newspapers in English language classrooms in rural secondary schools. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Ting, Su Hie (2012) Variable impact of Malaysia’s national language planning on non-Malay speakers in Sarawak. RBLA, Belo Horizonte, 12 (2). pp. 381-403.

Philip Nuli, Anding and Peter, Songan (1998) Verbal protocol analysis of on-the-job tasks for Air traffic controllers: a cognitive approach for the systematic design of a training program in the aviation industry. In: In Proceedings of CSC '98 National Conference on Cognitive Science 28-29 September 1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Othman, Mohd Kamal and Petrie, Helen and Power, Christopher (2013) Visitors’ Emotions, Touristic or Spiritual Experiences in Historic Churches : The Development of Church Experience Scale (CES). In: This paper is presented at International Conference of Cognitive Science, ICCS2013, 27-29th August 2013, Kuching, Sarawak..

Padan, Esther Litad (2009) Vocabulary teaching strategies used by tesl trainees during teaching practice. [Final Year Project Report]

Ella, M.D and Ling, Teck Yee and Lee, Nyanti (2006) Water Quality And Fish Production At Pejiru Pond,Bau, Sarawak. In: Proceeding of the 3m Regional Conference on Natural Resources in the Tropics (NRTrop3), 2009.

Kho, T.H.W and Lee, Nyanti and Ling, Teck Yee (2009) Water Quality In Coral Reef Area At Pulau Satang,Matang, Sarawak. In: Proceeding of the 3n1 Regional Conference on Natural Resources in the Tropics (NRTrop3), 2009.

Mah, D.Y.S. and Salehe, A.H.M. and Putuhena, F.J. (2014) Water Sensitive Urban Design in Existing Urban Settings: Case Study of Dry Detention Pond in Kuching City. In: InCIEC 2013 Proceedings of the International Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Conference 2013. Springer Singapore, pp. 315-322. ISBN 978-981-4585-01-9

Ling, Teck Yee and Layang, H.W. and Kasing, Apun (2008) Water quality variations and decay rates of E.Coli in water and sediment of the Serin river. In: Paper presented at Proceedings of the 10th MSAB Symposium, Kuching 2008.

Gan, Leh Shiow and Liew, Siaw Sze and Chua, Huey See and Ngo, Choon Ping (2002) Web-based real estate management system. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Hasmin, Isahak and Hirman, Sidi and Muhammad Faharul Hilme, Bakar and Sani, Songli (2003) Web-based training management system. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Jerome, Collin (2006) What do they really need? developing reading activities to explore the elements in literary texts. [Working Paper]

The Borneo Post (2006) What is Algebra and why learn it? [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Lee, Julia Ai Cheng (2006) What is Cognitive Science? 2006-01-26. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Lee, Julia Ai Cheng (2005) What questions did you raise today? 2005-09-30. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Cheah, Wai Shiang and Kulathuramaiyer, Narayanan and Lai, Suk Fui (2006) When BDI Meets Argumentation: The Conceptual Ideal. In: IEEE/WIC/ACM international conference on Intelligent Agent Technology.

Wong, Swee Kiong (2010) White pepper supply in Malaysia. [Working Paper]

Abdullah, M.T and Kumaran, Jayaraj Vijaya and Khan,, Faisal Anwarali and Mohd Azhar, Mohd Isham and Rovie Ryan Japnin, Jeffrine (2012) Why biodiversity in Malaysia is underestimated? In: Seminar Biodiversiti 2012Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara,20-23 November 2012, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.

The Borneo Post (2006) Why is teaching mathematics so difficult? [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Andrew, Aeria (2003) With faith and heart, We call all students to build a culture of peace & love. In: International Young Christian Studetns Movement. The 9th Asian session & Council, 23 May- 2 June 2003, Bangkok Thailand.

Radina, Mohamad Deli and Rosnah, Mustafa and Monaliza, Sarbini-Zin (2012) Word Familiarity and Lexical Change : The Case of Sarawak Malay Dialect. Issues in Language Studies, 1 (2).

Zaiton, Hassan and Dayang Kartini, Abang Ibrahim and Sheilla Lim, Omar Lim (2011) Work life balance : Perspective of generation Y. In: Proceedings Of The 10th International Conference Of The Academy Of Hrd (Asia Chapter) Organized By Universiti Putra Malaysia, 3-6 December, Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia.

Mohd.Yusoff, Yusliza and Thurasamy, Ramayah (2011) Work-Family Conflict and Organisational Commitment In A Private Sector. In: International Conference on Human Resource Development: Transforming Human Capital in Innovation-Led Economy, 22-23 June 2011 Mutiara Johor Bahru Hotel, Johor Malaysia.

Hassan, Zaiton and Dollard, Maureen F. and Winefield, Anthony H. (2008) Work-family balance in Malaysia: Does work-family policy make a difference? [Working Paper]

Zaiton, Hassan and Asiyan, Mohd Ansari and Lim, Sheilla Omar Lim (2011) Work-family conflict and organisation commitment in a private sector. In: Proceeding of the International Conference Human Resource Development (ICHRD 2011), pp 1115-1024, UTM; Skudai.

Hassan, Zaiton and Dollard, Maureen F. and Winefield, Anthony H. (2009) Work-family enrichment : Sharing Malaysians’ experiences. In: Proceedings of the 8th Industrial Organisational Psychology, (pp. 57-62), Sydney: Australian Psychological Society..

Dayang Kartini, Abang Ibrahim and Farida, Abdul Halim and Hii, Hiong Ling (2011) Work-life balance : experiences of professional working mothers. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Academy of HRD (Asia organized by Universiti Putra Malaysia, 3-6 December, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3-6 December 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Hassan, Zaiton and Dollard, Maureen F. and Winefield, Anthony H. (2009) Work-life balance in Malaysia : A Proposed Model. [Working Paper]

Hassan, Zaiton and Dollard, Maureen F. (2007) Work-life balance in Malaysia : An introduction. Sarawak Development Journal, 8, 48-65..

Kartini, Abd Ghani and Susan E., Gathercole (2012) Working Memory and Study Skills : A Comparison Between Dyslexic and Non-Dyslexic Adult Learners. In: The 9th International Conference on Cognitive Science.

Mustafa, Rosnah and Pung, Wun Chiew and Michael Slee, Shirley (2013) Working in groups for coursework assignments : the tertiary students’ perspective. Issues in Language Studies, 2 (2). pp. 97-102. ISSN 2180-2726

Fakulti Sains Kognitif dan Pembangunan Manusia, Jabatan kaunseling (2013) Workshop : Expressive Art & Psychodrama. [Picture] (Unpublished)

Faculty of Cognitive Sciences &, Human Development (2013) Workshop: Choice Theory & The Car ‘R’ Us Technique. [Picture] (Unpublished)

Gee Whai, M.K. and Wei, W. T. and Man, C.K. (2013) Writing Difficulties Faced by Politeknik Kuching Sarawak Commerce Diploma Students in Doing their Assignments. The Asian Journal of English Language & Pedagogy, 1. pp. 90-101. ISSN 1823-6820

The Borneo Post (2008) X-FAB S'wak looks to Unimas for engineers. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Jeffrine J., Rovie-Ryan and Mohd Tajuddin, Abdullah and Frankie Thomas, Sitam and Zaaba Zainol, Abidin and Soon Guan, Tan (2013) Y-chromosomal gene flow of Macaca fascicularis (Cercopithecidae) between the insular and mainland peninsula of Penang state, Malaysia. Journal of Science and Technology in the Tropics. (9). pp. 113-126.

The Borneo Post (2008) Youths told to be prepared for future challenges. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Zainuddin, Ramlah (1999) A brief note on frogs of Bario, Kelabit highlands, Sarawak. ASEAN Review of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation (ARBEC), September-October 1999..

Jong,, Marchsinda. (2009) A case study of learning motivation towards english language learning among form four secondary school students in SMK Jaya of Nanga district. [Final Year Project Report]

Benik, Evelyn (2005) A case study on the relationship between emotional intelligence and work attitudes of primary school teacher in Bau, Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Mohd Rosli, Norliana and Shabdin, M.L. and Cheng, Ann Chen (2010) A checklist of free-living marine Nematodes along Sarawak Coastal waters.

Rakawi, Nur Khairunnisa (2009) A courseware development on instant job interview guide for hr graduates. [Final Year Project Report]

Karupaiah, Vanisa and Hassan, Zaiton (2011) The cross-cultural perspectives of organisational justice and organisational citizenship behavior. In: Proceedings of the International Conference Human Resource Development 2011 (ICHRD 2011), pp151-160, UTM: Skudai, Johor.

Nadarajan, Shanthi (2006) A crosslinguistic study of reduplication. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

Sharifah Azrin-Azalea, Binti Wan Zawawie (2011) The determinants of intra industry trade in manufacturing industry between Malaysia and its trading partners ; Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore and United States. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Tan,, Yian Yian (2011) The determinants of inward foreign direct investment in China and India. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Awang Marikan, D. A. and Radam, A. and Zakaria, Joh (2000) The economics of recreational park conservation : a case study of Bako National Park. [Working Paper]

Fairunizah, Akbar Malik (2004) The effect of form one students of S.M.K Muara Tuang english language abilities on their achievement in mathematics. [Final Year Project Report]

Felzer Luck, Bujong (2005) The effect of reciprocal peer tutoring strategy in discovering figurative speech to enhance students' understanding of poetry. [Final Year Project Report]

Jusoh, Ismail B. and Nzokou, P. and Kamdem, P. (2005) The effect of silicone on some properties of flakeboard. Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff (2005) 63: 266-271.

Chai, Ellena Mung Ling. (2004) The effect of test formats on reading comprehension tests. [Final Year Project Report]

Mark, Lona (2007) The effectiveness of cooperative learning approach in improving form one students' writing performance in English. [Final Year Project Report]

Pang, Ching Ching (2005) The effectiveness of the performance appraisal system in department of civilaviation (DCA) Kuching, Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report]

Hamzah, Fifi Khairunnisa (2006) The effectiveness of using the keyword method in learning arabic vocabulary among Kuching tourist police and patrol police. [Final Year Project Report]

Chong, Yung Yung (2011) The effects of game-based learning (GBL) on pre-school students' motivation in mathematics learning : a case study at Tadika UNIMAS. [Final Year Project Report]

Mohammad, Jamali (2004) The effects of teaching poetry through dramatic activities on the students' comprehension and appreciation. [Final Year Project Report]

Bong, Chih How and Kulathuramaiyer, Narayanan (2004) An empirical study of feature selection for text categorization based on term weightage. In: 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence.

Yap, Macrina Francesca Stephen (2005) An experimental study of the genre - based approach to the teaching of explanatory writing. [Final Year Project Report]

Meor Osman, Wan Sofiah and Girardi, A. (2012) An exploratory study examining educator perceptions about teaching and assessing entrepreneurship skills at Malaysian public higher education institutions. Journal of the World Universities Forum, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp.81-100.

Norzaleha, Ambo Tajang (2011) The factors affecting the financial performance in Malaysian palm oil industry. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Dayang Affizzah, Awang Marikan and Saini, Azman (2005) The impact of Malaysian bilateral cooperation programme on trade. In: 2nd International Conference of Asian Academy of Applied Business , Padang, Indonesia, 28-30 Julai 2005.

Ng , Kueh Hua and Ahmad, Rusli and Ismail, Azman (2011) The impact of the Supervisor's Role in training Programmes on the transfer of training : A case study in four East Malaysian Local Governments. Research and Practice in Human resource Management 19 (2), 24-42..

Ng , Kueh Hua and Ahmad, Rusli and Ismail, Azman (2011) The impact of the supervisor's role in training programmes on the transfer of training : a case study in four east malaysian local governments. In: Research hand Practice Human Resource Management, vol.19 (2) 2011. Curtin Business School.

Engelina Gnanamani, Daniel (2005) The influence of job stress factors to the employees based on selected demographical factors :A study in HSBC electronic data processing, Malaysia. [Final Year Project Report]

Yong, Siaw Hua (2005) The influence of language proficiency, age and gender on academic performance. [Final Year Project Report]

Ernest Cyril, de Run and Muhammad Mohsin, Butt and Chung, Yen Nee (2010) The influence of role models on young adults purchase. Jurnal Kemanusiaan bil.15 Jun 2010, 15.

Dyg Shuzaidah Shuailly, bt Abduludin (2010) The information resources system with voice. [Final Year Project Report]

Khalid, Norashikin (2007) The integration of ICT among english language (ESL) teachers in primary schools in Satok area in Kuching. [Final Year Project Report]

May-Chiun Lo, Chiun Lo and Kueh, Jerome Swee hui and Ramayah, T. (2006) An investigation of leader member exchange effects on organizational citizenship behavior in Malaysia. Journal of Business and Management, 1 (1).

Chee, Huey Ling (2010) The kansei research on the design of men's necktie. [Final Year Project Report]

Sazali, Siti Nurlydia and Hasan, N.H. and Laman, Charlie J. and Abdullah, M.T (2008) A morphometric Analysis of Malaysian Rhinolophus Species. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2 (1) : 83-95 (2008). pp. 83-95.

Zainudin, Ramlah and Sazali, Siti Nurlydia (2011) A morphometric analysis of hylarana signata group (previously known as rana signata and rana picturata) of Malaysia. Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 19 (1): 57 – 66 (2011). pp. 57-66.

Ho,, Tiong Keng (2006) The motivational needs of entrepreneurship in Malacca. [Final Year Project Report]

Simon, Adeline (2004) The needs of emotional intelligence analysis among the executives of RHB bank (UNIMAS branch) from the customer's perspective. [Final Year Project Report]

Mohamed, Murtedza (2004) An overview of MUCED experience, achievement anf future planning with respect to the implimentation of SLUSE programme in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Interdisciplinary curriculum & Research in Sustainable Land use & natural resource management, 17-19 August 2004, Bangkok Thailang.

Ting, Siew Hie (2007) The perceptions of T(ESL) students in Unimas towards group work assesment. [Final Year Project Report]

Sazali, Siti Nurlydia and Ketol, Besar and Abdullah, M.T (2009) A phylogenetic relationship of Rhinolophus and Hipposideros in Malaysia using partial Mithochondrial DNA Cytochrome b gene sequences. In: 1st International South East Asian Bt Conference, 7-10 Mei 2009, Phuket Thailand.

Wong, Woei Ling (2007) A picture paints a thousand words :developing animated slide shows for Malaysia lower secondary school students' literature learning (Novel). [Final Year Project Report]

Madinah, A. and Mariana, A. and Fatimah, A. and M. T, Abdullah (2013) A preliminary field survey of ectoparasites of rodents in urban park, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Tropical Biomedicine 30(3): 1–5 (2013). pp. 1-5.

Lee, Julia Ai Cheng and Lee, Rosy (2002) A professional agenda: An initial step toward enhancing the quality of teaching in University Malaysia Sarawak. In: International Conference on The Challenge of Learning and Teaching in a Brave New World 14-16 October 2002.

The Borneo, Post (2006) A proud day for 1,238 Unimas graduates. -. (In Press)

Radina, Mohamad Deli and Asniah, Alias (2013) The question of questions in Malaysian English. Issues in Language Studies, 2 (2). pp. 82-96. ISSN 2180-2726

Ngui,, Lee Fong (2010) A relational study of customer orientation among bank employees. [Final Year Project Report]

Ngu,, Fui Tin (2010) The relationship among oil prices, terms of trade and economic growth in ASEAN-5. [Final Year Project Report]

May-Chiun , Lo and Maw , King La and Mohamad, Abang Azlan (2009) The relationship between Human resource Management and Firm Performance in Malaysia. International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1. p. 1.

Lo, May Chiun and Mung, Ling Voon and Ramayah, T. (2010) The relationship between human resource practices and employees’ commitment to change in Malaysia Higher Education. The Global Studies Journal, 3 (3). pp. 83-92. ISSN 1835-4432

Bong, Jenny Siat Sze (2009) The relationship between perceived trusted leader and employees' commitment. [Final Year Project Report]

Yip, Siew Ling (2011) The relationship between proactive personality and career self-management behaviors : career resilience acts as a mediator. [Final Year Project Report]

Hazlawati, Ali Baba and Rusli, Ahmad and Lim, Sheilla Omar Lim (2011) The relationship between the levels of supervisor support and Transfer of training : a study in one private sector enterprise. In: International Conference on Human Resource Development: Transforming Human Capital in Innovation-Led Economy, 22-23 June 2011 Mutiara Johor Bahru Hotel, Johor Malaysia.

Pipat, S. and Sunate, K. and Chutamas, S. and Vu Dinh, T. and Khan, F. A. and Ibnu, M. and Gabor, C. and Neil, F. and Bandana, A. and Bates, P.J.J (2013) A review of the Murina cyclotis complex (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) with descriptions of a new species and subspecies. Acta Chiropterologica,, 15 (2). pp. 271-292.

Hor, Keng Seng (2005) A robotwall simulator. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

Zulkiply, Norehan and Gardiner, John M. (2007) The role of attention and consistency with schema expectation in memory for objects in place. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 4, 17-34..

Siti Akmar Khadijab, Ab Rahim and Yu Li, Jing and Cyril Glenn, Satuito and Hitoshi, Kitamura (2004) The role of diatom-based film as an inducer of metamorphosis in larvae of two species of sea urchin, Pseudocentrotus depressus and Anthocidaris crassispina. Sessile Organisms 21(1):7-12 (2004).

Noraini, Bujang (2004) The role of schemaactivation in the pre-reading stage of reading comprehension in the ESL classroom. [Final Year Project Report]

Idris , Muhamad Ikhwan and Azhar, Isham (2010) A short note on the heterocera of Peninjau, Mt Serambu, Bau, Sarawak. A century after. Sarawak Museum Journal, 67 (88). pp. 295-301.

Mohammad Syuhaimi, Ab-Rahman and Fazlinda, Ab-Aziz and Noor Azie Azura, Mohd Arif and Saiful Dzulkefly, Zan and Seri Mastura, Mustaza and Abang Annuar, Ehsan and Sahbudin, Shaari (2009) The study of the good polishing method for polymer SU-8 waveguide. Optica Applicata, 39 (3). pp. 459-465.

Wee, Basil Geok Sang (2003) A study on the application of total quality management (TQM) priciples among managers in a goverment department in Kuching. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

Nur Fahimah, Ahmad Sandara Lela Putera (2009) A study on the relationship between types of personality and drug addiction. [Final Year Project Report]

Bakri, Abdul Karim and Jais, Mohamad (2011) The subprime crisis and stock index futures markets integration. The Journal of Risk Finance Vol. 12 No. 5, 2011, 12 (5).

Abdullah, Nur Syazrina (2005) A survey on factors that cause stress and strategies to overcome it among rural and sub - urban teachers teaching science in english in secondary schools in the Kuching Samarahan division. [Final Year Project Report]

Njau, Senan (2007) A survey on purposes and strategies used by teachers in conducting tuition classes in upper secondary schools in Serian district. [Final Year Project Report]

Haji Abdul Samad, Zayeed Imran (2007) A survey on students' perceptual learning styles preferences and teachers' teaching strategies in rural secondary schools in Sri Aman Town. [Final Year Project Report]

Pauline Feona, Dunstan Udam (2005) A survey on the designing supplementary materials for the ESL listening classroom. [Final Year Project Report]

Aben, Anyi (2005) A survey on the use of portfolios among lecturers and trainees in Batu Lintang teachers' training college. [Final Year Project Report]

Weebly Com (2013) A third of frogs in danger of extinction. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Eu, Sheau Yien (2010) A traffic laws monopoly game. [Final Year Project Report]

George Teron, Christopher Christie (2008) The use of computers by ESL teachers in preparing and conducting lessons. [Final Year Project Report]

Sigau, Anita Awing (2007) The use of cooperative learning techniques in literature classroom. [Final Year Project Report]

Fong, Pooi Har and Esa, Yuzine and Abdullah, M.T (2007) The utility of Microsatellite markers in the preliminary study og the Genus Cynopterus in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawk regions. In: 1st International South east bat Conference, 7-10 May 2007, Phuket Thailand.

Shazali, Abu Mansor and Ernest Cyril, De Run and Hamarila, Abd Latif (2005) The value of human life-Willingness to pay for the privision of life jackets. International Journal of Business and Society; Jul 2005 ; 6, 2; Univerisiti Malaysia Sarawak pg. 83, 6 (2). p. 83.

Ng, Siat Chin (2005) The web-based secondary schools excess textbook-on-loan database management system (eXcess ToLDatabase). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

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