Pre-Conference Workshops


There will be five pre-Conference Workshops on 29th October 2019. Workshop venue is at Block V, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya.

  • Available seats are limited for each workshop, so selection are based on first come first serve basis.
  • Please confirm your selection at the Registration page of your account.
  • Please choose Workshop Only or Conference and Workshop at the Conference Registration Form. You can change and update if your select the wrong items.
  • An example of Conference and Workshop shown below:



  • The following guides are for three possible types of selection:
  • You need to confirm your selection when you finalised your payment as you need to pay in full.
  • Please choose the workshop titles of interest. The titles and fee schedules are given in the Table below:


Workshop Titles


International Participant





Participant Fee


COSMO-RS as a computational prediction tool for thermodynamic behaviour of fluid mixture in separation processes

Click here for details



    9 AM - 5 PM                            

100 350


    Process Optimization for Multiple Objectives: Principles, Applications and Programs

Click here for details


9 AM - 1 PM

75 250


Chemical Engineering Education 4.0:

The Best Practices

Click here for details


9 AM - 1 PM




Process Safety in Process Plant Engineering Project

Click here for details

9 AM - 1 PM 75



Estimation of Physical Properties using Excel-Unisim

Click here for details

2 PM - 5 PM