Studies On The Chemical Composition And Biological Activities Of Essential Oils Of Goniothalamus Spp.

Irna Syairina, Sahari (2008) Studies On The Chemical Composition And Biological Activities Of Essential Oils Of Goniothalamus Spp. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

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Essential oil of eight (iouior/tal(ll!l!n spp. haq: ])('(..'11 ootractoo by hydrodi~lll1alion and their chemkal oompoSlti()n W"''fC deh.'Jmim:J by gas cbmmatogruphyltlame IOnil.lltion dc1C'Ctor lGC/FID) tl"Chniqut' and biological a ...1ivity on brine shrimp•.4.nemiO sal/,UI and tennit~. Naslllilemlf!S sp. II en: evaluated. The per<''<.l1tage yield of~~cntial OIl for all samples studied ranged bdwe-Cll 0.1 8% to 5.00% (I'olume/dry weight). Thc lean:,; oil ofG, rapis gal'e thc highest )'idd of essential oil (5.00%). while the stC1n bark oil of C. I<"ljQ(lii gaves lhe lowest YIeld (O.IK%l. The major compound in thc leaves oil of G malaymms was 2-dod.:ccnal 117.90"/,) and in the k,l\"1tS oil of G. am/er.mnii was mcthyllaur.l[e ( %). The leal'cs oil of G. lapis was rich in with ~ bourbonene (14.80'%). while dch}'drocarv<''Q1 (42.35%1 \\"(-re rich in the: hark oil. (E)-2-nnnenal (57.76%) in the SK,n bark nil ami 3-~'Ud..:'Smol (29.82%) 111 the root nil. The leave; nils of C. 1I,'al"ivde.$ was rich in bulsll1(\1 (10.92'%) and butylmdhoxYPYTll7inlo' ,38.920/0) from the stem bark oil. \1 hCfea~ lE}-2..JoJcccn-l-ol II 1.54%) was mnst abundance in the rool OIl. Valmecnc (14.31 %) \\as ilhundante 111 the leavcs oil of G, ...vodii, mCl hykthylpyra.,dne (I S.OR%) was the majt)r compuund in it~ ~tem bark oil and butyl dccanoatc (10.65%) was thl: major compound in its rOOt Otl. 2-dool"Cellal (11.05%) was the major constit'uem in tlte leal'CS ml of C. /aseielll'lIInlS. cadina-1.4-dill1-3-oll42.90"-io) in the: bark oi1. a-bisabnlol (36.49% ) in the Stem bark oil. while: (Z)~6JOOcccn-y-Ial.1.onc (\9.95%) was rich in the rool oil. The 1('31'C::; nil of (j frl1l{"c/mIlS was illso rich wilh 2-dodccell31 (12J6%), IIoh!le: (-)·eubt:nol (25.97%) was the major cunstitue!1t in bark OIl. cadinn· 1.4.dien·3·oll44.90%) was the major compound in S1em hMk oil and {E)-a-bergamotcne (23 .01 %) was the ma)\1r W111p!.)und in TUot oil. G. lapisoit/e.~ was rich with methyl t:pijasmonatc 29.011%) in its leavcs oil. g<'T3nyl I alcratc (9.61 'lie) in its bark oil. and eadina· [.4·dien·3-o1 (30.89"/0) m liS Stdl1 bark uil. a5 well as p.eudcsmol l36.66%) as major l~)11~tilUC'nt in its root oil. All th.' ...'S~cntial nil showed ICI()% mortality of the hrine ~hritnp. A, ID.lilla ~t the ~onct:lllration of Illorc than 100 ppm, whert: the kaves OIl of C. IImriQCh~$ showl.'d strongc:st acti\'ity (1.(''<1 valuc < 10 :'1'111). Tt.'fmiticidal activity Icst showl.'d that all the essential 011studied gave: l000A. monalily al conct'11tration tlf more than \ 'Yo. ~C"i.'Pt flIT !he leaves oil of G. It"Q()(/ii. The leaves oils of (;. rapisoides exhit.ik'd ;;trongcst netfl,;ty with LC<.(I value less th~n 0,1% igain~t NaS l/ lilerl!les sp. td"lllite. while the Icaw:s oil ofG, lI'ood/i showed th~ weakest activity with Le .., value of 1.00%.

Item Type: Final Year Project Report
Additional Information: Project report (B.Sc.) -- Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 2008.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Goniothalamus spp, hydrodistillation, essential oil, toxicity test, termiticidal activity
Subjects: Q Science > Q Science (General)
Divisions: Academic Faculties, Institutes and Centres > Faculty of Resource Science and Technology
Faculties, Institutes, Centres > Faculty of Resource Science and Technology
Depositing User: Patrick
Date Deposited: 31 Jan 2025 06:41
Last Modified: 31 Jan 2025 06:41

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