Teoh, Cerng Herd (2020) UNIMAS EVENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)

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Event management involves in creating and developing large scale events which might include conferences, conventions, concerts, trade show, or festival. The process of management are include for identifying the target audience, formulating the event concept, planning the overall logistic of event and conducting project management of the event as a whole. Traditionally, event mangement are facing a lot of trouble and problem during the progress of planning. The problem of lack of related system, wasting out a lot of time on some task and require a huge of manual effort on every step of planning In recent years, a new generation of information technology are emerged, every industry are been move forward to the assist of computer and system. Event management should also follow by the step of currents trend. An event managment system are neccassary to improve the efficiency of event management. Hence, this Final Year Project 1 is going to discover the user requirement and documented in order to develop the project called UNIMAS Event Management System. A simple survey was been carried out on students’ opinions regarding with the title of the project to determine the significance of this system development. Throughout the survey, we can conclude that the processes of planning an event by UNIMAS student are getting more difficulties and complicated. The purpose of developing UNIMAS Event Management System is to provide a digital platform for UNIMAS organisation or relative club who are decide to organize an event. Throughout this system, they will be easily to manage and planning for an event. There are several different features that are cater the problem face by current UNIMAS student on managing an event. Beside, this system will have a feature to gather the supplier or sponsor company, users can go through this system to find their desire sponsorship. The developed system is also significant for users and admin to use or manage the system through the internet, 24 hours per day. The functions of the system are adding, deleting, editing and retrieving the data and allow users to search event information from the database. The design of this system included system interface design and database design. Context diagram, database flow diagram level 0 and level 1 are used for representing flowing process will occur when the user interacts with the system

Item Type: Final Year Project Report
Additional Information: Project Report (BSc.) -- Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 2020.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Event management, UNIMAS Event, digital platform, logistic of event and conducting project management.
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Divisions: Academic Faculties, Institutes and Centres > Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
Faculties, Institutes, Centres > Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
Academic Faculties, Institutes and Centres > Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
Depositing User: Gani
Date Deposited: 04 Mar 2021 08:22
Last Modified: 02 Jan 2025 07:39
URI: http://ir.unimas.my/id/eprint/34695

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