Items where Division is "Academic Faculties, Institutes and Centres > Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Rahman Ya'kub
Faculties, Institutes, Centres > Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Rahman Ya'kub" and Year is 2013

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The Borneo, Post (2013) Arts students also have a place at SCORE. -. (In Press)


Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) CEIC Database Subscription Agreement 2013. [Agreement] (Unpublished)

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) Elsevier Subscription Agreement 2013. [Agreement] (Unpublished)

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) License Agreement Between Access Dunia Sdn Bhd and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) 2013. [Agreement] (Unpublished)


Chong, Siaw Fung (2013) Behavioral and organizational : influences towards training effectiveness. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, (UNIMAS). ISBN 978-967-5527-58-6

Magazine and Newsletter

Centre for Academic, Information Services (2013) Majlis Randau PKMA bersama Fakulti & Hari Bersama Pelanggan, 2013. [Magazine and Newsletter]

Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak (2013) Kejohanan sukan persahabatan staf IPT Borneo, 3-8 Februari 2013 (Buku Program). [Magazine and Newsletter]

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) Info@Cais 2012/2013. [Magazine and Newsletter]

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) Temubual Eksklusif YBhg. prof Dato' Dr. Mohamad Kadim bin Suaidi. [Magazine and Newsletter]

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) mycais@unimas : Ke arah Kecemerlangan Pengurusan Nilai melalui ROI, Bil , Jun 2012. [Magazine and Newsletter]

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) mycais@unimas : Memasyarakatkan Ilmu, Bil 7, Jun 2013. [Magazine and Newsletter]

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) mycais@unimas : Transformasi Perpustakaan ke arah Pembudayaan Ilmu, Bil.8, Disember 2013. [Magazine and Newsletter]

Minutes of Meeting

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) Minit Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Khidmat Maklumat Akademik Bil. 3/2013 (Ke-28). [Minutes of Meeting] (Unpublished)

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) Minit Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Khidmat Maklumat Akademik Bil.1/2013 (Ke-26). [Minutes of Meeting] (Unpublished)

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) Minit Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Khidmat Maklumat Akademik Bil.2/2013 (Ke-27). [Minutes of Meeting] (Unpublished)

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) Minit Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Khidmat Maklumat Akademik Bil.4/2013 (Ke-29). [Minutes of Meeting] (Unpublished)

Newspaper Cutting

Berita Harian (2013) Persatuan Pengurus UNIMAS (PPU) Lancar Kutipan Derma Kilat Kampung Dato, Sibu, 15 July 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Berita Harian, . (2013) UNIMAS jayakan SCORE. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Berita Harian Online (2013) Semak kurikulum setiap tiga tahun, 12 November 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Bernama (2013) Unimas Research Centre Can Meet Score's Needs For More Engineers, 03 July 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Borneo Post Online (2013) Academic research culture the way forward for UNIMAS, 26 July 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Borneo Post Online (2013) Mini-HEP the way to power up remote areas, says Manyin, 03 July 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Borneo Post Online (2013) UNIMAS optimis hospital pengajar jadi kenyataan, 01 July 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Borneo Post Online (2013) ICT gap in state still a problem — Minister, 03 July 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Borneo Post Online (2013) ISIF Award Winners 2013: eToro from UNIMAS one of the Winners, 15 July 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Borneo Post Online (2013) Increase in HFMD breaks two-year cycle, 25 February 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Borneo Post Online (2013) Moving forward with Unimas, 28 February 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Borneo Post Online (2013) Persidangan kedua Alfred Wallace pada 7-8 Nov depan, 08 July 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Borneo Post Online (2013) Redeems, Unimas to do study on Mt Singai, 21 February 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Borneo Post Online (2013) Slow recruitment reason behind shortage of nurses, 25 February 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Free Malaysia Today (2013) Pelantikan Naib Canselor Unimas sah mengikut perundangan, 26 July 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Harian Metro, . (2013) UNIMAS idam status Tier 5. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Mstar (2013) Prof Dr Morshidi Sirat Dilantik Naib Canselor UNIMAS Yang Baharu - Khaled, 02 April 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

New Sarawak Tribune, . (2013) Came up with mini hydro proposals, researchers, engineers urged. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

New Sarawak Tribune, . (2013) UC-Unimas linkage soon. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

New Sarawak Tribune, . (2013) UNIMAS a major player in Education Strategic Plan. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

New Sarawak Tribune, . (2013) UNIMAS signs MoA with French varsity. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

New Sarawak Tribune, . (2013) UNIMAS to change visibility, corporate image management. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

New Sarawak Tribune, . (2013) UNIMAS to host international confab. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

News Straits Times (2013) Batik goes digital, 01 July 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Osaka City University (2013) Visit by Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 22 April 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Polytechnic of Namibia (2013) Malaysian visit to promote cooperation in many fields, 24 April 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Sarawak Tribune (2013) Not fully explored, says don, 20 November 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Sunday Star (2013) Shoppers truly spoilt for choice. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Telecentre (2013) The Spark13 conference in Granada, 31 May 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) 100 from Unimas join IP Run 2013, 02 December 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) A third of frogs in danger of extinction, 05 April 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Academic libraries asked to apply value management, 28 September 2012. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Community relations centre for Unimas, 25 June 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) ‘Compile research in books for public, not locked away’ archive, 31 December 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Ex-Forestry Man Ling logs on as a PhD holder, 13 November 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Four get awards for Chemistry excellence, 11 December 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) International students drawn by state’s diversity, 19 February 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Leukaemia curable – Unimas haematologist, 28 April 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Rafflesia treat for 96 Unimas students during field trip, 22 May 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) UNIMAS students asked to join faculty events, 05 December 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Unimas a quality university, says former vice-chancellor. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Unimas can be centre for Borneo-related studies — Professor, 13 December 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Unimas supports Gen Y by providing modern facilities, 19 February 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Unimas welcomes 721 students to programme, 11 June 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Unimas ‘Let’s Move, Shake’ walk gets good response, 13 May 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Wheelchair-bound Yew on her way to be a textile designer, 13 November 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Exhibition to bring ‘renewed sense of personal responsibility’, 18 November 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Kubah Week to hold Bornean Frog Race this weekend, 26 April 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Unimas researchers excel at fair, 04 December 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post, . (2013) Unimas completes` Wise' transfer of micro business skills to adoptive families. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post, . (2013) Unimas mulls setting up teaching hospital. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post, . (2013) Unimas-Medic abides by Labour Ordinance in closing clinics. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Borneo Post (2013) Sarawak Biodiversity Centre to host talk on malaria April 26, 04 April 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Star (2013) Adapt to flourish : Librarians need to keep libraries relevant in digital era. [Newspaper Cutting]

The Star (2013) Five varsities make it into top 100, 11 June 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Star (2013) Unimas comes up with R&D to turn palm oil EFBs into value-added products, 01 April 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Star (2013) Unimas tapping into state’s niche areas to improve competitiveness, 03 April 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Star, . (2013) Former vice-chancellor happy Kadim now helms Unimas. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Star, . (2013) Research, industrial grants help Unimas become recognised name in IT. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Star, Sarawak (2013) No to racial politics, 8 May 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

The Star Online (2013) Challenge not in treating monkey malaria but detecting it, 10 May 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Unimas .News (2013) Research Support Initiatives, 22 February 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (2013) 2,345 graduan terima ijazah pada Konvokesyen Unimas ke-17, 13 November 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Utusan, Borneo (2013) Lebih 1,000 Kunjungi Pesta Makanan Etnik Damai. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Utusan, Online (2013) Dua pelajar cemerlang Unimas terima anugerah STA, 08 May 2013. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Utusan Borneo (2013) Semangat skuad Limbang membuak-buak. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Utusan Borneo, . (2013) UNIMAS anjur Persidangan Antarabangsa Mengenai Sains Kognitif. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Utusan Malaysia, . (2013) Unimas tubuh Pusat Penyelidikan di Mukah. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)

Utusan Sarawak, . (2013) Unimas garis sembilan amanat sebagai universiti contoh. [Newspaper Cutting] (In Press)


Centre for Academic, Information Services (2013) Program Jom Baca Bersama 10 Minit Dan Bedah Buku, 28 April 2014. [Picture] (Submitted)

Centre for Academic, Information Services (2013) Lawatan Kastam ke PKMA, UNIMAS, 3 Julai 2013. [Picture]


Centre for Academic, Information Services (2013) 3rd PERPUN International Conference 2013 : Strategic Library Services : Evilving Library in new directions. In: 3rd PERPUN International Conference 2013. (Unpublished)

Nor Edzan, Che Nasir and Mohd Helmi, Masor and Imilia, Ibrahim and Margaret, Simeng and Norazlina, Abdul Rahman and Nordiana, Nordin and Sabariah, Abd Samad and Zainun, Mat Nor and Amir Hussain, Md Ishak and Mohd Pisol, Ghazali (2013) Seminar Kepustakawanan : Transformasi Perpustakaan Ke arah Pembudayaan Ilmu. In: Seminar Kepustakawanan, 26 & 27 September 2013, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. (Unpublished)

Program Book

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) Seminar Kepustakawanan 2013 : Transformasi Perpustakaan Ke Arah Pembudayaan Ilmu, 26 -27 September 2013. [Program Book]


Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) Teks Ucapan Aluan Puan Margaret Simeng Ketua Pustakawan Unimas - Seminar Kepustakawanan 2013 Transformasi Perpustakaan Ke Arah Pembudayaan Ilmu. [Speeches] (Unpublished)

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) Teks Ucapan Perasmian NC - Seminar Kepustakawanan 2013 Transformasi Perpustakaan Ke Arah Pembudayaan Ilmu. [Speeches]

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) Ucaptama Naib Canselor - Seminar Kepustakawanan 2013 Transformasi Perpustakaan Ke Arah Pembudayaan Ilmu. [Speeches] (Unpublished)

Teaching Resource

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Centre for Academic Information Services (2013) Seminar Kepustakawanan : Transformasi Perpustakaan Ke arah Pembudayaan Ilmu, pada 26-27 September 2013, Pusat Khidmat Maklumat Akademik UNIMAS. [Teaching Resource]

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