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Sitti Hawah, Bt Jatri. (2005) Chemical composition and biological activities of essential oils and extracts from agathis borneensis. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Fathymah, Tukijo. (2005) Comparing glueline characteristics and bonding durability between Sago Bark and Acacia mangium. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Azura, Jaini. (2005) Complexation study of indium (III) bromide and strontium (II) chloride with chalcone's derivatives. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Norlinawati, Bt. Sesuni (2005) Conservation of bindang (agathis borneensis warb.): the soil physical edaphology. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
James Tinggom., Sandra (2005) Diet of tadpoles at three localities in Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Liew ., Chun Fong @ Vivien (2005) Effectiveness of Lagoon in improving water quality of discharge from farms in Samarahan area. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Katrina, binti Aslan Joe (2005) Effects of inoculum age and volume of Lactococcus lactis I0-1 on lactate production. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Noorberliyanti, Bacho. (2005) Essential oils profiles and biological activities of curcuma spp. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Voon, Tze Min (2005) Exam timetable for unimas-enhancement of sistem jadual waktu UNIMAS. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Abd. Rahman, Hashim. (2005) Experimental study on the mix proportions of high strength concrete. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Nur Nazihah, Binti Mohd Nazir. (2005) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peluang pembangunan kerjaya kumpulan profesional dan eksekutif wanita. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Yeo, Freddy Kuok San. (2015) Floral biology and breeding system of leonurus sibiricus L. and leonurus sibiricus VAR. albiflorus migo (Kacangma). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Yii, Ai Siew. (2005) Genotyping of eusideroxylon zwageri teijsm & binn. and potoxylon melagangai kosterm. (Borneo iron wood) by using M13 universal primer. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Fairous, Binti Salleh (2005) Geolipid Hydrocarbons In Surface Sediments From The Coastal Area Of Rajang, Sarikei. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Laurina Jacklyn, Teo Choon Nee. (2005) Geolipid hydrocarbons in the estuarine sediments from Batang Rajang, Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Elman, bin Pendi. (2005) Growth response of licuala spinosa thunberg under fertiliser application. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Lim, Amelia Tzing Woon (2005) Heavy metal ions removal by peat from Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Ngu, Yien Loong (2005) Heavy metals ions removal by lingnocellulosics materials derived from leaves of Nipah and oil palms. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Bebe Norlita, bt Mohamed. (2005) Hydrocarbon biomarkers in coals and crude oils from Balingian & Bintulu, Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Mohd Shahril, B. Mohd Safri (2005) Identification of genetic markers among several indigenous freshwater fishes of the family cyprinidaea using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Mazian, Binti Abu Hassan. (2005) Identification of genetic markers between Barbonymus schwanenfeldii (Cyprinidae) and Barbonymus gonionotus (Cyprinidae) using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Nik Zuraina, binti Nik Mohd Noor. (2005) Identification of genetic markers for the genus of Eusideroxylon spp. using isoenzyme analysis. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Tan, Sia Hong. (2005) Identification of genomic markers for belian using rapd. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Mary Rose ., Laurence (2005) In-vitro and conventional propagation of nepenthes mirabilis (lour) druce. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Then, Kok Lim (2005) Interactive map using SVG : web map path showing system (wepass). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Nur Diana, Anuar. (2005) Isolation and sequence analysis of p53 cDNA from human prostate tissue. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Chua, Agnes Yu Fern (2005) Java source code development toolkit for multimedia. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Mohamad Rabani, bin Morni. (2005) Kajian komuniti mikroorganisma dalam sample air terpilih menggunakan teknik pengkulturan. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Albert, Kuin. (2005) Medicinal plants of the Iban community at Kampung Sebubu Saratok, Sri Aman. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Eve Lona, ak. Iran. (2005) Metal contents screening in 'ulam' collected from Sarawak. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Wee, Boon Hong. (2005) Nutrient removal in pig farm wastewater using aquatic macrophytes - water hyacinth (eichhornia crassipes) and water lettuce (pistia stratiotes). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Anita, ak Muda. (2005) Optimizing the use of SMDS biosludge compost as a soil fertilizer-conditioner : effects on soil structure. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Dorina, anak Lasah. (2005) Optimizing the use of SMDS biosluge compost as a soil fertilizer - conditioner : leaching of nutrients and contaminants. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Catherine, Anak Ladis (2005) Persepsi penerimaan kakitangan sokongan terhadap sistem ganjaran. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Fong,, Pooi Har. (2005) Phylogenetic relationship and population structure of tenualosa toli inferred from sequencing of cytochrome b mithochondrial DNA fragment. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Yee, Jason Yeen Kit. (2005) Phylogeography of bornean frog, limnonectes kuhli as inferred by mithochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of cytochrome c oxidase I (COI). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Norhaslinda, bte Hj Rahmat. (2005) Phytochemical and biological studies on litsea paludosa. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Liew, Pei Sing. (2005) Polymerase chain reaction - restriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR-RFLP) analysis of 16s rRNA gene in myotis ridley. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Ratna Sri Dewi, Binti Sedi (2005) Preliminary study on lactate production utilizing the turbidostat system. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Nuur Hidayah, Ab Hamid (2005) Relative abundance, activity patterns and diversity of mammals based on camera trapping data. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Md Djzamanni, Yahya. (2005) Response of crytocoryne pallidinervia (Engler) on light intensity and water depth. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Chung, James Yaw Ming. (2005) Restriction site mapping analysis of the adenomatous poliposis coli (APC) gene in human colorectal system. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Jibby, Jinang. (2005) Screeing for cytotoxicity and anti-diabetic studies on michelia alba. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Sweeney, ak Edward Sinew. (2005) Screening ang molecular analysis of bacterial resistant to lead and silver from Matang landfill disposal site and a waste discharge downstream of a paper recycling mill. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Rosni, Bt. Ismail. (2005) Screening for small subunit of ADP-glucose pyrophosporylase (AGPase) from sago palm using custom designed oligonucleotides. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Madiana, Bakar (2005) Studies on essential oils from citrus SPP. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Hanafi, bin Mohammad. (2005) Study on the methanolic extracts of emilia sonchifolia and vernonia arborea (Compositae). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Raihanah, binti Hamdan. (2005) Synthesis of first strand cDNA from metoxylon sago flower tissue. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Faizah, Abdul Ghani (2005) Tinjauan terhadap rekabentuk dan persekitaran ruang kerja staf sokongan di Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Other thesis, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS).
Sulimahwati, binti Supu. (2005) mRNA analysis of ligninolytic enzymes expressed by coriolus versicolor and pycnoporus soccineus during biopulping of acacia mangium. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Mohamad Hasnul, Bolhassan. (2005) The occurences of poroid mushrooms in secondary forest at Unimas. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Wahap, B. Abu Bakar (2005) A study of storm rainfall characteristics in Samarahan district. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)