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Mohd Hafis Yuswan, Bin Mohd Yusoff (2008) Anti-viral activity of Piper sp. Extract (PIPERLINE) against Newcastle disease virus. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Nagaraju, Anjalai Dewi. (2008) Behavioral, cognitive, and emotional state of a cancer child. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Prisca, anak Ugus. (2008) Challenges faced by secondary school teachers in integrating computers in English language classrooms in the Samarahan and Kuching districts. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Mazurina, Mashoory (2008) Characterization of Celluloltic fungi in peat soil for potential application and biodegradation of rice husk. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Norzaitulrina, Shamsudin (2008) DNA profiling of canarium odontophyllum miq. accessions using rapd markers. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Mohamad Azlan Shah, B. Abu Bakar (2008) Developing freeze drying method on the TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon) degrading bacterial consortium and testing their viability. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Lee, Siaw Ju (2008) Disruptive behaviour in the ESL classroom. [Final Year Project Report]
Norhayati, binti Husain (2008) ESL and TESL students' perceptions towards the importance of using readers theatre in teaching literature. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Mohamad Azrul, Abdul Rahim (2008) Effects of temperature and time on production of glucose in Tapai fermentation. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Faridah, binti Abdul Jalil @ Abas (2008) Emosi dan sokongan keluarga (Family Support) : satu kajian kes terhadap seorang kanak-kanak yang mengalami kemurungan (depression). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Muhamad Hazrul, bin Md Esa (2008) Emosi individu gay dalam menjalani kehidupan. [Final Year Project Report]
Suliana, Charles Nyucong (2008) Evaluation of genetic relatedness among acacia superbulk and acacia hybrid (Acacia mangium x acacia auriculiformis) trees using M13 Universal Primer. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Aminah, binti Abdullah. (2008) Exploring metacognition in the learning process of adolescents who are dealing with the impact of parental divorce. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Foo, Gaik Hoon (2008) Factors associated with perceived effectiveness of technology in facilitating workplace learning. [Final Year Project Report]
Ng, Kiaw Kiaw (2008) Gene expression analysis of slected ribosomal protein genes in Nasopharyngeal cells. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Sarina, Niyup (2008) Genotyping escherichia coli in animal faeces using pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Saleha, binti Awang Kechik (2008) Hubungan antara kecerdasan emosi dan kecenderungan meminta bantuan dengan personaliti sebagai moderator. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Delima, anak Andrew Buntak. (2008) Isolation and characterization of oil degrading bacteria from a local ecological sanitation (ECOSAN) system. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Nuraidah, Abdullah (2008) Keberkesanan kaunseling kelompok berstruktur dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan emosi (Emotional Intelligence) remaja. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Nur Hafiza, Ishak (2008) Musibah banjir : pengalaman dan reaksi emosi kanak-kanak mengsa banjir. [Final Year Project Report]
Suhaiton, binti Mat Razi (2008) Pendekatan kaunseling kelompok berstruktur dalam membantu nmeningkatkan kecerdasan emosi remaja lelaki. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Nur Fazlin Shazana, Binti Mohamad Safiai (2008) Perhubungan sosial dan kesan stigma wanita lewat berkahwin. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Azlan, bin Jusoh. (2008) Persepsi pekerja terhadap amalan komunikasi dan penglibatan dalam penilaian prestasi mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja di organisasi. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Siaw, Li Ching (2008) Preliminary molecular study on yellow pufferfish (xenopterus naritus) and green-spotted pufferfish (tetraodon nigroviridis). [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Holed, anak Juboi (2008) RNA extraction of phytophthora capsici infected and non-infected piper colubrinum link and preliminary DDRT-PCR. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Lee, Jong Jen (2008) Rapid amplification of cDNA end of metallothion in gene during necrosis of plant cells from morinda citrifolia. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Norzainizul, Julai @Julaihi (2008) Rapid amplification of cDNA ends and cDNA screening of alcohol dehyrdrogenase genes from metroxylon sagu. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Ting, Jen Ching (2008) Sex identification in canarium odontophyllum miq. (Dabai) using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Namini Devi, D/O Simanjalam. (2008) Students' participation in English language classroom. [Final Year Project Report]
Nurzafira, Mahsir (2008) Synthesis and characterization of cyclophosphazene bearing chalcones derivatives. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Jesse, Kong. (2008) UNIMAS English language ESL, trainee teachers' beliefs about grammar and grammar teaching. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Fong, Shu Lin (2008) An astronomy magic book using augmented reality. [Final Year Project Report]
Hii, Yung Ing (2008) The effectiveness of cooperative learning (team-accelerated instruction) in teaching probability. [Final Year Project Report]
Gan, Siew Ling (2008) The effectiveness of peer tutoring in teaching of straight line. [Final Year Project Report]
Tan,, Mei Jian (2006) The effectiveness of psychoeducational groups intervention on improving emotional intelligence among adolescent girls. [Final Year Project Report]
Tan, George Geok Shim (2008) The effectiveness of using collaborative learning in the teaching of form four mathematical reasoning. [Final Year Project Report]
Joannes, Dazeree Joan (2008) The portrayal of muslim women characters in Malaysian short stories : an Islamic feminist point of view. [Final Year Project Report]
Chu, Sze Yin. (2008) The relationship between level of perceived depression and life satisfaction among the unmarried. [Final Year Project Report] (Unpublished)
Amy Philomena, anak Uni (2008) A study on the teaching and learning activities conducted in the KPM preschools in Kuching district. [Final Year Project Report]