A survey of the flora and fauna of Pulau Punyit, Brunei Darussalam.

Das, Indraneil and Booth, W. E. and Wong, K. M. and Kamariah, A. S. and Choy, S. (1997) A survey of the flora and fauna of Pulau Punyit, Brunei Darussalam. Sandakania (9). pp. 55-66. ISSN 0128-5939

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Pulau Punyit supports only 20 species of terrestrial plants, a feature reflecting the small size of this island and its harsh environment. The species include 3 ferns, 3 monocotyledons (including Cocos nucifera), and 14 dicotyledons (10 trees and 4 climbers). The most common tree species are Excoecaria agallocha, Allophylus cobbe and Diospyros maritima. Of the other species, Gastonia serratifolia (a tree), is known in Brunei from this island only, and Melientha suavis subsp. suavis (a [woody] climber) is a new subspecies record for Borneo. The herpetofauna is limited to one snake and one lizard. The littoral zone, in contrast, supports a wide variety of algae and invertebrates, many of which are arranged in distinct patterns of zonation. Pulau Punyit, as one of only two offshore islands, represents a substantial proportion of the open coast and hard-substrate littoral biodiversity of Brunei Darussalam, and as such, should be protected.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: flora and fauna, harsh environment, Pulau Punyit, Brunei Darussalam, herpetofauna, unimas, university, universiti, Borneo, Malaysia, Sarawak, Kuching, Samarahan, ipta, education, research, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.
Subjects: S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
S Agriculture > SD Forestry
Divisions: Academic Faculties, Institutes and Centres > Faculty of Resource Science and Technology
Faculties, Institutes, Centres > Faculty of Resource Science and Technology
Depositing User: Gani
Date Deposited: 15 Mar 2019 01:06
Last Modified: 15 Mar 2019 01:06
URI: http://ir.unimas.my/id/eprint/24062

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