• Abstract

    Introduction: The employability of people with Down syndrome remains a critical issue because misconceptions and discrimination often overshadow their abilities and potential in the workforce. This study used hierarchical multiple linear regression and moderation analysis to investigate factors influencing the intention to hire people with Down syndrome.

    Methods: A cross-sectional design with convenience sampling was used to collect data from 660 respondents from employers, employees, and community members via Google Forms. Data on demographics, organizational culture, knowledge of legislation, and attitudes were collected using a validated questionnaire. Hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis was performed using SPSS version 29, where the intent to hire was the dependent variable. However, the moderation analysis was performed using SmartPLS version 4. A p-value < .05 indicated statistical significance.

    Results: Regression analysis identified several significant predictors of the intention to hire people with disabilities (PWD), including those with Down syndrome. Factors associated with negative outcomes included the respondent category (employer/HR manager from the community of PDS, p < .001; co-workers from the community of PDS, p = .015), disability-fit HRM practices (p = .002), and perceived challenges (p = .040). Conversely, factors associated with positive outcomes included top management commitment (p = .024), attitudes towards PWDs (p = .001), perceived productivity of PWDs (p < .001), perceived subjective norms (p < .001), and perceived behavioral control (p < .001). A moderation analysis revealed that organizational culture (p = .301) and subjective norms (p = 0.296) did not significantly affect hiring intentions directly, while perceived behavioural control shows a strong positive influence (p < .001). The interaction between organizational culture and subjective norms had a small negative effect on hiring intentions (p = .049), but organizational culture did not moderate the relationship between perceived behavioural control and hiring intentions (p = .262).

    Conclusions: These findings highlight the complex interplay among factors that influence inclusive hiring practices for people with Down syndrome. To promote inclusive hiring practises, organizations should focus on fostering a supportive organizational culture, enhancing knowledge about support resources, address perceived challenges, and cultivating positive attitudes towards individuals with Down syndrome, particularly among top management.

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How to cite

Rahman, M. M., Ting, C. H., Safii, R., Saimon, R., Chen, Y. Y., Wan Puteh, S. E., & Adenan, A. S. (2024). Factors affecting the intention to hire people with Down syndrome: Hierarchical Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. Multidisciplinary Science Journal, (| Accepted Articles). Retrieved from https://malque.pub/ojs/index.php/msj/article/view/5651
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