Macro Element for Pile Head Cyclic Lateral Loading
- Michael Pender,
- Liam Wotherspoon,
- Norazzlina M. Sa’don,
- Rolando Orense
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Interaction between laterally loaded piles and the surrounding soil is a complex phenomenon, particularly when nonlinear soil behaviour is involved; so complex that usually design calculations rely on computer software based on discrete spring formulations using empirically derived nonlinear p-y relationships. This chapter explores a macro element, Davies and Budhu (1986), as an alternative which uses relatively simple formulae that are available for evaluating the lateral stiffness of long elastic piles embedded in elastic soil and an extension to handle nonlinear soil-pile interaction. The predictions of these equations are confirmed using the three dimensional finite element software OpenSeesPL, Lu et al. (2010), as well as data from field lateral load testing on driven piles in a stiff residual soil at a North Auckland site. Furthermore, in this chapter an extension of the macro element to cyclic loading is presented and this is shown to model well the field data and also the predictions of OpenSeesPL. The pile head macro element method is not completely general as it applies only to a homogeneous soil profile, but, since we deal with long piles, the soil homogeneity needs to extend only over the pile shaft active length. Measured lateral load response of the piles at the Auckland site indicates that it is necessary to distinguish the “operational” modulus of the soil from the small strain modulus; the field data indicates a value of about one third to one quarter of the small strain value.

Within this Chapter
- Introduction
- Lateral Load and Moment Response of a Long Vertical Elastic Pile Embedded in an Elastic Soil
- Three Dimensional Modelling of Pile-Soil Interaction in Nonlinear Soil: Openseespl
- Davies and Budhu Extension to Nonlinear Soil-Pile Interaction
- Field Lateral Load Testing of Driven Piles in Residual Soil
- Extension of the Davies and Budhu Method to Include Cyclic Loading
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- References
- References
Other actions
- Comité Européen de Normalisation Eurocode 8, Part V: Geotechnical Design, General Rules. Draft 6, Jan 2003
- Davies TG, Budhu M (1986) Nonlinear analysis of laterally loaded piles in heavily over consolidated clays. Geotechnique 36(4):527–538 CrossRef
- Gazetas G (1984) Seismic response of single end-bearing piles. Soil Dyn Earthq Eng 3(2):82–93
- Gazetas G (1991) Foundation vibrations. In: Fang H-Y (ed) Foundation engineering handbook, 2nd edn. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 553–593 CrossRef
- Kuhlemeyer RL (1979) Static and dynamic laterally loaded floating piles. J Geotech Eng Proc ASCE 105(GT2):289–304
- Lu J, Yang Z, Elgamal A (2010) OpenSeesPL 3D lateral pile-ground interaction: User’s manual. University of California, San Diego (
- M.Sa’don (2011) Full scale static and dynamic loading of a single pile. PhD thesis, University of Auckland
- Mazzoni S, McKenna F, Scott MH, Fenves GL (2009) Open system for earthquake engineering simulation user manual, University of California, Berkeley. (
- Pender MJ, Algie T, M.Sa’Don N, Orense RP (2010) Snap-back testing and estimation of parameters for nonlinear response of shallow and pile foundations at cohesive soil sites. In: Proceedings of the 5th international conference on earthquake geotechnical engineering, Santiago, Chile
- Pranjoto S (2000) The effects of gapping on pile behaviour under lateral cyclic loading. PhD thesis, University of Auckland
- Randolph MF (1981) Response of flexible piles to lateral loading. Geotechnique 31(2):247–259 CrossRef
- Wesley LD (2010) Geotechnical engineering in residual soils. Wiley, New York CrossRef
- Title
- Macro Element for Pile Head Cyclic Lateral Loading
- Book Title
- Special Topics in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
- Pages
- pp 129-145
- Copyright
- 2012
- 10.1007/978-94-007-2060-2_5
- Print ISBN
- 978-94-007-2059-6
- Online ISBN
- 978-94-007-2060-2
- Series Title
- Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering
- Series Volume
- 16
- Series ISSN
- 1573-6059
- Publisher
- Springer Netherlands
- Copyright Holder
- Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
- Additional Links
- Topics
- Industry Sectors
- eBook Packages
- Editors
Mohamed A. Sakr
Atilla Ansal
Mohamed A. Sakr
- Editor Affiliations
- ID1. Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University
- ID2. Earthquake Research Institute, Kandilli Observatory, Bogazici University
- Authors
Michael Pender
- Liam Wotherspoon (1)
- Norazzlina M. Sa’don (2)
- Rolando Orense (1)
Michael Pender
- Author Affiliations
- 1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
- 2. Department of Civil Engineering, University Malaysia Sarawak, Sarawak, Malaysia
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